300 win mag Browning x-bolt magazine issues


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
I own a Browning x-bolt hell's canyon long range in a 300 win mag and 7mm Remington. The 7 mm has performed flawlessly with the 195 grain bergers. I can touch the lands and the round still fit in the Magazine. I load .010 off the lands and it feeds and shoots great. 1/2 MOA at 600 yards. My 300 win mag shoots equally well but I have had no end of trouble getting the thing to feed properly from the magazine. The 215 Berger rounds had to be shortened considerably to fit properly in the magazine. I worked up a load with virgin brass that fit in the mag and cycled well, but then after resizing the once fired brass and reloading, they bind in the magazine and don't feed properly. I bumped the shoulder .002-.003 when resizing but the shoulder is still about .012 longer than the virgin brass. The shoulder appeared to be binding in the browning rotary magazine. I bought several mags and took a dremel tool to the area that was binding just until it would feed properly, but now the last bullet in the mag doesn't get pushed high enough to feed.
Have any of you had similar issues? How did you solve the problem? I called browning and they are aware of the issue with their mags in 300 win mag but it will be a year or two before they can address and fix it.
Bumping the shoulder back an additional .012 seems like way overworking the brass.

Just hoping someone else shooing an x-bolt has found a solution.
Sorry, can't really help just kinda bored and want to follow along in this thread.
I have seen several times about how much a belted magnum can stretch when first fired due to the initial headspacing off the belt instead of shoulder, and the chamber being long. Maybe that much stretch wasn't accounted for in the factory magazines. And yes, shoving (.012 is no bump) the shoulders back that far will eventually cause issues with brass. Probably soon than later.
The only issues I had with the Browning x-bolt mags were they were pretty short in my buddy's .300 WSM and you couldn't run any higher BC bullets anywhere near the lands. I took a Dremel to it a little to run the bullets out further. That and had one come apart when firing the rifle.
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I own a Browning x-bolt hell's canyon long range in a 300 win mag and 7mm Remington. The 7 mm has performed flawlessly with the 195 grain bergers. I can touch the lands and the round still fit in the Magazine. I load .010 off the lands and it feeds and shoots great. 1/2 MOA at 600 yards. My 300 win mag shoots equally well but I have had no end of trouble getting the thing to feed properly from the magazine. The 215 Berger rounds had to be shortened considerably to fit properly in the magazine. I worked up a load with virgin brass that fit in the mag and cycled well, but then after resizing the once fired brass and reloading, they bind in the magazine and don't feed properly. I bumped the shoulder .002-.003 when resizing but the shoulder is still about .012 longer than the virgin brass. The shoulder appeared to be binding in the browning rotary magazine. I bought several mags and took a dremel tool to the area that was binding just until it would feed properly, but now the last bullet in the mag doesn't get pushed high enough to feed.
Have any of you had similar issues? How did you solve the problem? I called browning and they are aware of the issue with their mags in 300 win mag but it will be a year or two before they can address and fix it.
Bumping the shoulder back an additional .012 seems like way overworking the brass.

Just hoping someone else shooing an x-bolt has found a solution.
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