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284win Trail Boss 100g-115gr YOUTH LOADS


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2024
Anybody run a 284win case w Trail Boss Powder over a 100gr-115gr Varmint bullet for plinking/Youth loads?

Curious if any real world experience

Reference used: A 243win case is published 100gr @ 1000fps to 1600fps (case holds approx 10gr less total)
Supersonic loads, even 22LR, anything that cracks, is loud for the kid

Bringing him up slow on noise and recoil, so he doesn't develop flinch or muzzle blast fears/bad habits
I use Trail Boss for lots of things but not specifically the 284+100-115 bullet.

QL says it will make ~2000 with a 100. I don't have a 115 in my QL.

It would still be loud. It will still be supersonic.

I have done loads with a 30-06, 45-70, cowboy games 45LC and others. I love it for a black powder substitute or reduced loads for fun.

One of my most fun is a Winchester 1885 Highwall 45-70. "Quigley" ;) gun. Yeah, that is actually a Shiloh Sharps in 45-110 but that's not required to have fun with it.

If I get the TB found/unpacked, I'll try it but you'll probably have if figured out by then. :)
I admit your idea is viable, but it seems there are easier alternatives. Does the youth have to use the 284 Win? I mean, what about a 22 or 223 for familiarity shooting?

Back to the 284, one could drop to lower charges with Hodgdon's '60% rule' using H-4895. I have some modest 243 loads with light 55 grain bullets, close to zero recoil.

I've done some rifle rounds with slower handgun powders, mostly 2400 & 4227. These are powder puff loads, often to check out a new gun then start the sighting in process. There can be data in older manuals, possibly online, rather reputable. In large cases I often use a slight 'filler', Dacron stuffing. I've never had a problem, though once deviating from mainstream reloading, proceed with caution.

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