.270WSM vs. 6.5 WSM


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2012
I may have posted something along these lines before but now I can't find the thread. I have a savage .270WSM I'm planning on building it into my long range rig. I really like the idea of a 6.5 cal. and it should be easy to size brass from 270wsm. My question is if anyone has any experience loading for this round and also what kind of stocks anyone is using for savage builds? Thanks in advance.
I would stick with the 270 WSM and try 165 matrix VLD's you will be impressed(.650g1bc), I have a 6.5 WSM and it's a great round but I built it before there were high bc 270 bullets. I killed a cow elk Mon. with the 6.5 at 1100 yds using a 140 Berger VLD hunting bullet at 3125fps, so I know it is an effective cartridge however the 270 WSM with a 165 matrix at 2975fps arrives at 1100 yds with roughly 150 more foot pounds and just slightly more drop. I just put this 270 WSM combination together for a friend and it shoots great.
I would stick with the 270 WSM and try 165 matrix VLD's you will be impressed(.650g1bc), I have a 6.5 WSM and it's a great round but I built it before there were high bc 270 bullets. I killed a cow elk Mon. with the 6.5 at 1100 yds using a 140 Berger VLD hunting bullet at 3125fps, so I know it is an effective cartridge however the 270 WSM with a 165 matrix at 2975fps arrives at 1100 yds with roughly 150 more foot pounds and just slightly more drop. I just put this 270 WSM combination together for a friend and it shoots great.

+1 I shoot a 270 WSM with the Matrix running 3060 fps and my dad runs a 6.5 Sherman with the 140 running 3140 fps and ballistics are real close until you look at energy and the big one is momentum, he can shoot a light steel plate at a 1000 yards and not scratch it or move it and I dang near shoot through it and flip it around. When the 170 Berger arrives it will be just that much sweeter!!!

My WSM is on a Savage and it's currently in a B&C Varmint stock and it's OK but kinda a club, there are a lot of stocks to look at for the Savage but I think mine is going into a Manners MCS-T.
Thanks for all the great info I'm not super concerned with down range energy. I have a 300 WSM for the heavy stuff but I'm more looking for light recoil and good killing power for varmints and deer sized game out to 700 yards. I was thinking about building the gun around the barrel contour of the factory tube so I can interchange and have both but that seems like a bit of a pain. If anyone has 6.5 loads that they are fond of I would be interested in knowing what is working, planning on going with a 26'' tube. Thanks again.
Outlaw6.0 has a shiny new 6.5 WSM you may find interesting!! What's nice about the 270 WSM is you can zip out say a 110TTSX at 3600fps for the close range deer and varmints then load'er up with the heavies and have the heavy hitter all in one package, though everyone should have a 6.5 IMO :D
Thanks Bigngreen. I have been itching for a 6.5 for a while now and was pretty much set on a savage long hunter in 6.5-284 Norma but this summer this savage model 10 270WSM fell in my lap for 300 bones. I figured at that price it would be a great place to start a build. I like the idea of the 270 but I'm not sure if my tube has a fast enough twist to run the big bullets.
Outlaw6.0 has a shiny new 6.5 WSM you may find interesting!! What's nice about the 270 WSM is you can zip out say a 110TTSX at 3600fps for the close range deer and varmints then load'er up with the heavies and have the heavy hitter all in one package, though everyone should have a 6.5 IMO :D

Thank you BNG, Gotta love the 6.5's



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