You can, but it's a lot easier to just form your own .25-06 AI cases out of cheap .270 Win brass.
1.) Take new .270 Win cases, run them through a FL .25-06 AI sizing die.
2.) Trim the cases to 2.514" (it will shrink 0.020" during the fire-forming process to get your proper case length of 2.494").
3.) Load your primer into the case.
4.) Use a light load of powder (I use 45gr of RL19) behind a cheap bullet (I use Hornady 117 Interloks), seating the bullets touching the lands so that when you close the bolt, you get a very slight resistance, so you know the bullet is against the lands and the case head is against the bolt face.
5.) Go shoot.
Simple as that. And when you're done, you should have this...
Left: .25-06 round (made from .270 Win case) ready for fire-forming
Right: Fully-formed .25-06 AI case (made from .270 Win case)