Interesting observation in as much as I shoot Wolf Match Extra in my indoor pistol league (I have a very tricked out Ruger Stainless Bull Barreled Hunter with every Volquartsen part you can get and then some...
I also have a 10-22 courtesy of Kidd and Volquartsen and both prefer Wolf over Federal and Aqulia over Wolf, especially the Hyper Velocity Aqulia (that I don't believe is available anymore) but I have about 5000 rounds of. They are Eley primed just like the Wolf.
I actually haven't bought any 22's in 2 years. I got a deal on Match Extra's about 3 years ago and bought 2 cartons with 10- 500 round bricks in each carton. Looking back, I tjhought I was nuts but now, with the scarcity of 22's. I did the right thing.
Between the Federals and the Agulia's and the Wolf, I have enough to last me until I can't shoot anymore.
Wish I could say that for my big calibers.....