I've got a shilen select 25" 1-8tw stainless matte barrel
2 die rcbs set
150 or so pcs formed brass
400+/- 75gr amax OR 490+/- 80gr SMKs
Have 250 rounds through barrel when I finish the box of ammo I have loaded for it.
Run the 75gr at 3680 with 51gr retumbo. I backed it down to 49.5 node for barrel sake
500 Obo shipped and insured or trade for a vortex viper PA, bushnel elite fixed X, swfa 16x plus cash or another comparable scope.
2 die rcbs set
150 or so pcs formed brass
400+/- 75gr amax OR 490+/- 80gr SMKs
Have 250 rounds through barrel when I finish the box of ammo I have loaded for it.
Run the 75gr at 3680 with 51gr retumbo. I backed it down to 49.5 node for barrel sake
500 Obo shipped and insured or trade for a vortex viper PA, bushnel elite fixed X, swfa 16x plus cash or another comparable scope.