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20-22" 6.5-284 vs 6.5 prc question


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2013
Meridian, Idaho
I am running a 28" proof 6.5-284 on my primary hunter currently with a chassis folder for compactness. It is non threaded or suppressed. I finally received my TBAC Ultra 7 after 15 months of waiting and ready to consider a new barrel set up. Due to the extra length of the suppressor I was thinking of going to a 20-22" but I am not sure what to expect for FPS out either of these cartridges. Running a 147 I am at 3015 now. I suspect I will lose around 150-200 fps with a 8" shorter barrel so that puts me at 2800-2850 in theory with the 6.5-284.

If you are running a short barrel 6.5-284 or PRC what is your FPS with similar weight bullets? I have 6.5 creedmoor with a 20" proof that runs 140's at 2750, but don't have any experience with other short barrel set ups. Appreciate the input.
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