semi automatic

  1. Hawkeye Pierce

    SOLD/EXPIRED SCAR 17 Like new

    Ok guys I know that this isn't a long range hunting rifle but it's a great shooter. It was intended for a DMR build but it never happened, just sat in the safe. I'm going to get a replacement the wife can use a little easier. I would like to sell it locally here in Michigan but with trying to...
  2. 1Moose

    Browning .30-06 Semi Reloading Advice

    My parents gave my son a Browning .30-06 semi auto rifle some time ago. I think it could be a good step up for my son in the future who is nearly 11 from the 260 Remington he currently shoots when he can handle it and when we begin elk hunting. My hope is that it’ll be a bit less recoil than my...
  3. William L

    New to this forum

    Hello. Is the current "Mainstream Media" bias against "Assault Weapons" a legitimate concern?