
  1. BlazerBeam

    Reloder 26 for sale

    Have 10.5 pounds reloder 26 for sale for local pickup: Billings, Montana. Two lot numbers. 5 pounds of one lot 5.5 pounds of another lot. $40 per pound
  2. BlazerBeam

    Trade RL-26 for H1000

    Hey I have 7 pounds of unopened reloder 26 of the same lot that I would trade for 7 unopened pounds of H1000. Or for an 8 pound jug and I would include some $. I live in Billings Montana, so it would have to be able to be somewhat close to that. Let me know! Thanks
  3. S

    22-250 and Reloader 16

    Does anyone have any data for reloader 16 in a 22-250, I am thinking about trying the 69gr MatchKing but if anyone has any data at all with Reloader 16 in a 22-250 it would be much appreciated.