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  • There is one thing that beginning bear hunters should understand.
    Their bodies are telling them to put on fat for the winter.
    Bait is not going to do that.
    It's just a treat, like ice cream is for us.
    They can't live on it and their bodies know it.
    If there isn't any natural food in the woods for them to eat they won't be around.
    They will be where their natural food is plentiful.
    If it's a good year for berries and acorns etc they will be in the area.
    The bait does not keep them around - their natural foods do.
    Your bait just happens to be in their territory.
    Make some noise each time you leave them something - then leave.
    Once they know your baiting routine they will hit the bait sometimes as soon as you leave.
    When the season opens sneak up in your stand as soon as you make a little racket.
    Let the little guys and the sows break the ice and the big boys will show up right at dark.

    I asked about your bear area because I noticed your post on black bear hunting.
    My type of bear hunting is never long range.
    I'm talking maybe 40 yards at the most.
    We ran 20 - 30 baits along the Mississippi river back when my Dad was in better shape.
    We've shot a lot of nice bears over the years.
    Now we just hunt them for ourselves every fall.
    -Only go after the big boys.
    No sows.No little guys either.
    There are some habits that the smart old males all seem to share.
    - They always live near water.
    - They always run at night.
    - They are finicky about what they eat.
    - They always know you're there.- Always.
    The only way you can get one of the older smart ones is if he screws up.
    It doesn't happen very often.
    The trick is to accept that they know what you're up to out there in their world.
    They are very very smart creatures.
    If you go after them again this year remember not to alter your baiting pattern.
    Any little change in your routine will be noticed.
    What state will you be hunting black bears?
    What area?
    What type of terrain?
    Spring or fall?

    you can contact me about the Leupold at 574-210-0284 or you can send me your phone number and I will call you
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