Recommend a Brake--Seekins Havak


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2015
I'm looking at the Seekins Havak in 6.5 PRC and see they don't come with a brake, can you guys tell me what you are using and the cost? Thanks.
Muzzle Brakes and More Lil Beast, baby beast, or mini beast 3 port, depending on barrel contour. $85-$90 shipped. There are maybe 2 or 3 other brakes that reduce recoil and muzzle rise as good, and they cost twice as much. Nathan is a good guy too, and makes his product up in Idaho.

If you don't want the brake to have to be timed to the barrel and want to install it yourself, he makes two piece self timing brakes, they are around $110-$115 shipped depending on what size you need. 3 port will do just fine.

BTW, The owner is IdahoCTD on this forum, if you want to send him a P.M. and discuss it. I have his 5 port TI beast on a 9.3 lb all up .338 Norma Magnum, sending 270 grain bullets at 2850 fps, or 300 grain bullets at 2680 fps, recoil is about like a 10 lb .308 win, I can spot my hits. His brakes flat work. However.......wear ear protection. All that energy has to go somewhere, and there is a reason they are called "Beast".
My vote is for mbm baby beast. I have a beast 4 port on my 300 win and I can watch holes appear on target through the scope. That's with a 225 ELDM at 2900 fps. Of coarse you have to have proper recoil management and fundamentals to see. But at 800 yards I'm waiting for the bullet to get to the steel through the scope. It's alot of fun
I run Area419 Hellfire's on all my long range rifles and recommend them. I have used a self timing Beast brake from MBM and it was good, but the self timing system on the Area419 is superior in its design.
I prefer titanium brakes, MBM make a ti lil beast, have a few and work well. @livetohunt makes a ti 5 port that is very compact and they work well on my light weight 30 cal rigs, just ordered another for my new 7mm build.
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