Frankford Arsenal case prep center?


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2019
Has anyone had any experience with the Frankford Arsenal case prep center that has the built in case trimmer? If so what are your opinions on it? Mostly interested on how well the case trimmer part works. Thank you.
I've been using it for a little over a year now and really like it. Once you get it set up, trimming cases is pretty darn easy!
One thing to note is you only trim resized brass, and since it uses the shoulder datum as reference, any changes you make to your sizing die that affect shoulder bump, will affect your case length setup. Other than that, pretty straightforward.
I've been using it for a while now also and with good results. I like it. Take a few minutes to get case length set up but once done, you're good to go. I usually run a whole batch of brass through it when I start and it speeds up the prepping process greatly for me.
I like mine and have been using it for a year. I have probably done about 500 cases not a lot. Keep a trimmed case for each cartridge then use that one to set up.
The above comments are dead on. The only other thing I will ad to the conversation is I replaced the primer pocket "cleaner" tool with a primer pocket "uniform" tool.
It would also be a good idea to keep an extra OAL cutter head on hand as the one that comes with the machine works well but I don't believe it is made of a hardened steel and when the edge starts to go it is a pain when you're in to a batch of brass that needs trimming.
The above comments are dead on. The only other thing I will ad to the conversation is I replaced the primer pocket "cleaner" tool with a primer pocket "uniform" tool.
It would also be a good idea to keep an extra OAL cutter head on hand as the one that comes with the machine works well but I don't believe it is made of a hardened steel and when the edge starts to go it is a pain when you're in to a batch of brass that needs trimming.
Where did you get the new cutter? Was is a upgraded cutter? Price?
I dig mine. I wish the speed was a little faster though. I don't like how you have to switch the inserts between calibers, but it works really great and very accurate. The lock ring could be a better design as my debur tools scratch my hands when trying to loosen the lock ring. Other than that, being able to put **** near any attachment on it is highly beneficial. Only thing that would make it superior is if it had a tri-way cutter. Then you could have only primer attachments above and maybe a nylon brush for cleaning the inside of the case. Options are unlimited for the attachments though. Works good. I use a folgers plastic lid under the trimmer to catch the shavings that aren't caught by the window depending on the orientation of the cutter tube. I used to use the Lee case length gauge trimmers for each caliber, much quicker with the Frankford.
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