SCOTG 1,000 yd. range in Laurens, SC

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2015
X-Posting this from the regional forums to see if it gets anymore traffic in here.

Anyone have any experience with SCOTG in Laurens, SC? From everything I've read it's relatively new (~1-2 years) and has a 1,000 yard range. Does anyone know if it's private membership only or open to to the public? Dues, requirements, etc.?

I'm in the Greenville area and this is less than 35 minutes from me. Looking to stretch the legs on a new rifle ASAP gun)

There is twelve mile defense in Liberty/Six Mile area they have a range you can get to 500 on. Never anybody on it much and its $5 a day. What benches they have are crappy so I usually shoot of the ground when I'm there. They also have a pistol range. Think they open at 10am some days and 12pm others.
There is twelve mile defense in Liberty/Six Mile area they have a range you can get to 500 on. Never anybody on it much and its $5 a day. What benches they have are crappy so I usually shoot of the ground when I'm there. They also have a pistol range. Think they open at 10am some days and 12pm others.

I wanted to go to Twelve Mile Defense but when I emailed them they said that their long range is closed for the season and only the shorter ones can be used at this time. They did say to check back soon though so hopefully as the weather gets a little nicer they open the long range back up. Are you from the area?
Our price for an individual membership is $420 a year. active mil/Le is $350 a year.
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