Clean way to extend LOP?


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2015
North Idaho
Looking for any pointers tricks etc to lengthen lop on a composite stock. I'm 6'4 and am really starting to notice how short the pull is on a typical stock. I need like an additional 1.5-2" to have my elbow at 90*.
I don't have an actual solution but if you can't come up with something I'm sure I could make ya something that doesn't look horrible... pm me if you can't find anything
If you like the stock style, a McMillan Remington Hunter can be ordered with a 15" LOP. That is about 1.5 inches longer than most.
I'm not sure if you are a DIY guy looking for ideas, or something to well as what kind of stock it is as far as what would look good so these may or may not help. Sadly, I have no pictures of these to attach, so hopefully its clear enough. If you just need a spacer, one can be made from a rubber jeweler block. These blocks are stiff enough that they can be shapped on a sander like a recoil pad and not compress too much when tightened down. If I remember right, these are only about 1" thick. Another more permanent option is to buy or build a Micarta block big enough for your stock extension. This can be shapped, glued, and blended with epoxy if you want to re paint the stock, or if it looks ok with the stock, just shape it and use it with longer screws as an extension. Down side is it adds weight, which you may not want. If you want to just buy something, I would look at getting a decent adjustable pad like JE mentioned.
Two stocks, actually. One on the foreground is BnC adjustable sporter (I like the idea of an adjustable butt plate on this one). Background is a carbon fiber AG composites stock. Shooting both rifles yesterday, I had the same problem with ( myself) them. 2 shots 1/2" 3rd was 2" away. I'm taking the coward's route and blaming stock fit. ( it is a problem). Looks are important to me on these but function is more important...... and free... free would be good too....:D
Well.....for free, there's always the rolled up sock and duct tape! AND with all of the color choices in Duct tape these days you could make it look custom! ;). If it were mine I think I would try the Micarta block and glue the whole shebang together.....You could also epoxy threaded inserts in the stock of the block and bolt the extension and pad to the stock. This should have minimal costs doing it yourself, But I also replied to this to tag in and see what better ideas others bring up........
Looking for any pointers tricks etc to lengthen lop on a composite stock. I'm 6'4 and am really starting to notice how short the pull is on a typical stock. I need like an additional 1.5-2" to have my elbow at 90*.

Find someone with a Laser Engraver and have them cut you some spacers from duralon plastic. Very minummi sanding/ cleanup.
Here is an adjustable stock that will fit almost everyone with lots of options for interchangeable parts.

This is a nice stock, and can be used by youths or adults when adjusted
to fit them. If I built a youth rifle, this is the stock i would use because it could grow with him.

i am the same height and been in search of a way to stretch the LOP on a choate stock. i replaced some rotten trim on my house with the PVC board and thought about using a leftover scrap to lengthen it. it would be strong enough and light weight. you'd just have to paint it and it would probably get scuffed easily.
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