Anyone shot an ultralight 28 nos?


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2014
I have a rem 700 TI I'm considering building off of. Might open the boldface to handle a mag cartridge. I love the 28 nos but haven't shot it in a light platform. The build would be a proof build with a break and weigh less than 6.5 lbs likely (bare rifle). I'm curious if anyone has shot a rifle that weighs 7.5 or less scoped with a break in a 28 or similar cartridge and what it was like. I've shot a sub 7 lb scoped 30-06 and can handle it. Just curious how a light mag with break compares.
I built an 8lb with scope 28 nosler for a guy off a pierce ti action. I did not think it was bad. Its braked of course. My personal 28 is just under 9 scoped and its a pleasure. I think you will be just fine. Remember you CAN always pull some powder out :)
My old one was not that light. 9lb range maybe a little less. Braked.

Recoil is fine with a brake. Without it's stout, 300 Weatherby level.
Not a custom but I Just got a Hells canyon speed in 28.Worked up a couple loads and maybe put 45 rinds threw it,recoil is very manageable even with a stiff dose of n570 and Berger 195s.
I do not know about others but I have found concussive blast more annoying and wearing over long shoots than recoil into my shoulder.
I've built a couple 28's that were right at 6 lbs bare rifle and they were fine with a Pierce brake, you can get more recoil reduction from other brakes but they'll be steel. The recoil with a 195 in the mid 3100's is less than 06 but it's there, certainly nothing that should throw a guy.
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