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    • B
      Brsnow replied to the thread PH3 .308 or 6.5 CM?.
      Thanks for all the help 20” 6.5 ordered.
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      Brsnow reacted to Elkfitness's post in the thread PH3 .308 or 6.5 CM? with Like Like.
      I think the 6.5 is a good choice with all of the available ammo. Both are close, but the 6.5 has a good BC. You give up some weight in...
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      Brsnow replied to the thread PH3 .308 or 6.5 CM?.
      I have a .270 win now, with that being said still the .308. Going to order this weekend still not sure between 6.5CM and .308. Thanks
    • B
      Hi, I currently own a .270 win Fieldcraft. Barrel cut to 19.5” , use with an ultra 7. It is very accurate with factory ammo. Currently...
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      Brsnow replied to the thread Trijicon, Zeiss or Nightforce.
      I love accupoint, no need for a battery goes a long way. I also like the NF but it is short so make sure it will mount for you. You...
    • B
      Brsnow replied to the thread PH3 .308 or 6.5 CM?.
      I just sold a 18" 6.5 prc. The recoil was pretty substantial compared to my to my .270 which is really light. The 6.5 was also a much...
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      Brsnow replied to the thread PH3 .308 or 6.5 CM?.
      The standard ph3 model, seems like a lot of features at a reasonable price
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      Brsnow replied to the thread PH3 .308 or 6.5 CM?.
      Any factory ammo recommendations would be great. I appreciate it
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      Brsnow replied to the thread PH3 .308 or 6.5 CM?.
      We have done well on elk with 6.5 cm, .308 and .270here in Colorado. I am just looking to extend my range a bit.
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      Brsnow replied to the thread PH3 .308 or 6.5 CM?.
      I like shooting suppressed so I prefer a short barrel. 20” seems good
    • B
      Brsnow replied to the thread PH3 .308 or 6.5 CM?.
      20” .308 with 165 SST superformance might cover all my elk and deer needs, and allow 500-600 yard hunting max. Now the wait for the ph3...
    • B
      Brsnow replied to the thread PH3 .308 or 6.5 CM?.
      I just sold a 18” 6.5 prc. My .270 is 19.5” field craft with a tbac ultra 7, the new rifle would use the same can. I am nit looking to...
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      Brsnow replied to the thread PH3 .308 or 6.5 CM?.
      Any tangible reason for the .308?
    • B
      Brsnow posted the thread PH3 .308 or 6.5 CM? in Elk Hunting.
      Looking to pick up a 20” Seekins PH3. Would be for Elk, deer, antelope. Outside if nostalgia , any reason to go .308? Hunting really max...
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