Washington State Firearms Freedom Act of 2013


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2003
Washington State

Those of you from Washington State need to get behind this bill and call your representatives and senator in your Washington state legislature.

HB1371--The Washington State Firearms Freedom Act of 2013: Page Not Found

One of my state representatives, Jason Overstreet, is sponsoring this bill.

Here's a link to make it simple for you Washington guys to contact your state legislators:


Once there, click on the map where you live or enter your address. Your state legislators should appear. Click on one of them. This should take you to their website. There should be a fairly obvious 'Email' link. Click on that link and enter your information. Hit next and this should take you to a page where you can actually compose an email to your legislator. There are several sections on this page. In the 'Response' section you can click two boxes. Clicking the bottom box will send your email to all three of your legislators so that you don't have to individually email each legislator. Not too bad to do really.

Alternatively, the NRA-ILA website makes this pretty simple as well. In fact, it may be easier: NRA-ILA | Write Your Reps At the above link, enter your zip code and all of your US and state elected officials that you vote for will pop up. You can select one of your state legislators, which will take you to a link where you can hit 'Email' as in the above paragraph and then got through the same process described above from 'Email' on.

If you have the time, email the entire state legislature and Gov. Inslee on HB1371.

Those of you from Washington State need to get behind this bill and call your representatives and senator in your Washington state legislature.

HB1371--The Washington State Firearms Freedom Act of 2013: Page Not Found

One of my state representatives, Jason Overstreet, is sponsoring this bill.

Here's a link to make it simple for you Washington guys to contact your state legislators:


Once there, click on the map where you live or enter your address. Your state legislators should appear. Click on one of them. This should take you to their website. There should be a fairly obvious 'Email' link. Click on that link and enter your information. Hit next and this should take you to a page where you can actually compose an email to your legislator. There are several sections on this page. In the 'Response' section you can click two boxes. Clicking the bottom box will send your email to all three of your legislators so that you don't have to individually email each legislator. Not too bad to do really.

Alternatively, the NRA-ILA website makes this pretty simple as well. In fact, it may be easier: NRA-ILA | Write Your Reps At the above link, enter your zip code and all of your US and state elected officials that you vote for will pop up. You can select one of your state legislators, which will take you to a link where you can hit 'Email' as in the above paragraph and then got through the same process described above from 'Email' on.

If you have the time, email the entire state legislature and Gov. Inslee on HB1371.

Not sure why the links are all screwed up here, guys. They worked fine the other day.

Here's the link to the bill again:

http://apps.leg.wa.gov/documents/billdocs/2013-14/Pdf/Bills/House Bills/1371.pdf

And, here is the NRA-ILA link that makes it simple to contact all of your elected officials at the state and federal level:

NRA-ILA | Write Your Reps
Thanks for letting me but in jmden!

I just found out that the Nebraska Sheriff's Association has given their support to LB 451! Great news! I am so happy that we are finally getting on board!
For what it's worth as of 02/06/2013 the bill is locked in the House Judiciary Committee, and may die there due to not receiving a hearing. This is the response I recieved from Sen. Pam Roach.

So far, HB 1371 is not scheduled for a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee. The committee chair is Representative Jamie Pedersen, whose district is the core of Seattle. As chair, Rep. Pedersen controls the agenda for that committee. Rep. Pedersen would have to be convinced HB 1371 should be heard, so the bill can be then voted to be advanced out of the House Judiciary Committee for an eventual floor vote, so it could then be passed over to the Senate for similar considerations. That's just how the process works. If the committee chair sits on the bill with no hearing, it just dies and does not continue with any chance to become law.

I'm not optimistic that Rep. Pedersen would be so disposed to give favorable consideration to HB 1371, but we can hope. In any case, though, the process at present would be for Rep. Pedersen to be convinced the bill should be heard. His email is: [email protected]. His office number is (360) 786-7826.

Best of luck to you, your efforts are important.

If you want House Bill 1371 to be heard it's up to all of us to contact Rep. Jamie Pedersen and remind him that when he was sworn in he took an oath to protect the rights of the PEOPLE, this includes the second amendment regardless of his personal beleifs.
His email is: [email protected].
His office number is (360) 786-7826
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