.375 Ruger... What if???


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2008
Central Pennsylvania
What would you get if you improved the shoulder angel from 30degrees to 40 degrees, take out any taper and neck it down to 338? Has anybody done it yet? I read an article that said the .375 Ruger has 8% more capacity than the original .375 H&H. Sounds like it could be a real bruiser and keep up with the Lapua or bigger. Just throughing ideas around. That is all I can do right now. Let me know what you guys think!!!!:rolleyes: Brain storming session in progress.... SHHHHHH!

Hey Tank

Is the 375 Ruger a larger case than the WSM brass?
I was just thinking that WSM brass is a lot easier to come by.
If I remember right the WSM holds 84 gr. of water.
I'm OK with reinventing the wheel...I just want a better wheel when were done,:D

Also, how much taper must you leave in a case to make removal from chamber easy?? I understand reducing taper to gain capacity, But how much ???

Sounds like a good idea Tank, but I don't see much if any room in the taper to take out. It's already a very straight walled case. Sharpening the shoulder might get 2-3 gr?


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Hey Tank

Is the 375 Ruger a larger case than the WSM brass?
I was just thinking that WSM brass is a lot easier to come by.
If I remember right the WSM holds 84 gr. of water.
I'm OK with reinventing the wheel...I just want a better wheel when were done,:D

Also, how much taper must you leave in a case to make removal from chamber easy?? I understand reducing taper to gain capacity, But how much ???


From my understanding, taper is generally almost or completely removed when doing an Improved shoulder and case. Some casings like the 22-250 and the 243 have considerable taper. These two cartridges among other benefit greatly from the taper being removed.

What I have read, it is a 404 Jeffery casing left to full length and necked down to a 375. They use the same case for the WSM, and WSSM. So you can see the potential of this cartridge. I really think it would be a fun project. Wish I owned a machine shop.

Does that help in your thought process? Here's some info on the 375 to get your juices flowing:

.375 Ruger

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Also, how much taper must you leave in a case to make removal from chamber easy?? I understand reducing taper to gain capacity, But how much ???

If you check the link I posted for Tank, you'll see the Ackley taper for the .06 is .017 in about a 2" wall 2. The 375 Ruger is also exactley that. I personally wouldn't make it any straighter.
According to that website, the Lapua looks like a bigger case. Still think it would be a fun project.


The Lapua is a bigger case and better brass but I have looked at the 375 Ruger also, for a 7mm chambering. It's a very interesting case and will give you more than a 300 WM or WSM in a 30 cal. It might even get real close to a 300 RUM loaded with RL17. I bet you could get to within 50 fps of RUM velocities using RL17 with much less powder, shorter COAL that would fit the mag and a little less recoil. Sounds very interesting to me and something I might consider when it comes time to rebarrel my RUM.
Thanks for the link. I get it. This is the WSM on steroids. 338 you say?
I like it. My long action Remmy is starting to look for a new barrel. :)
With a tight shoulder, it could potentially be very efficient running slower powders (Retumbo, 7828, H1000, RL25, H870) than RL17 and still maintain a decent velocity pushing big bullets. That is what it is essentially doing now. Not sure what the case capacity is, but looks pretty healthy. Maybe another Edge type concept????

I just looked at the RUM. It is a little bigger also in length and .010" wider at the shoulder. I'm thinking ballistics would be comparable to the 338 Norma in a long action. That is my best guess at this point. Maybe some of the 338 builders can chime in. OOOOOOH KIRBY!!!! COME OUT WHERE EVER YOU ARE SHAWN!!!!:D

In all seriousness, I'm getting the feeling it would also be equivalent to the Edge. Just throwing that out there.

What would have to be done to the bolt of the Remington 7mm Mag to work with this case? I checked on Ammoguide and although they have same diameter the 7mm is belted. It says a rebarrel will not work. I assume from that that the bolt needs modified but it is not evident as to what specifically.

I know this shows my inexperience but so be it.
What would have to be done to the bolt of the Remington 7mm Mag to work with this case? I checked on Ammoguide and although they have same diameter the 7mm is belted. It says a rebarrel will not work. I assume from that that the bolt needs modified but it is not evident as to what specifically.

I know this shows my inexperience but so be it.

:D Me too.
OK, you got me curious. I pulled the bolt from my 7mm RM and got a 270 WSM case. ( .404 Jeffrey ) They fit together perfectly. Can I chamber it? NO, the brass is too big. Also too big for the feed rails. But I don't see why a shortened .404 Jeffrey case will not work in a well prepared Remmy action.
There is a slight difference in the diameter of the base in those two cartridges.

But the base diameters are the same with the 375 Ruger and the 7mm Mag so I can at least see some indication as to why in your example but am stumped on the example I posted.
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