Looking for good spring snowgoose hunt, for Wyoming Pronghorn


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2015
Southwest Wyoming
My cousin and I are looking for a good spring snowgoose hunt, preferably somewhere like Kansas, Missouri, or Arkansas. We have around 600ish socks with a couple dozen flyers, a vortex, and an 8 speaker e-caller. Could combine with someone else's spread, mainly just looking for an in and someone that knows the area and birds, to cut down on scouting time and funds for a destination trip.

Offered in exchange, South West Wyoming pronghorn hunts. Draw odds for doe/fawn are pretty decent, with the low end around 25% and up to 100% year to year depending on number of applicants, area of choice, etc., and I have grown up around here and have permission to hunt many private lands, making the higher draw odd type 7 tags (private land and irrigated land only) the way to go. If you want a buck tag that is a bit more challenging, as it takes around 4-6 preference points to draw from the preference point pool, and random draw is very low odds. However if you have the points, we could scout out bucks throughout the summer, sending pics and stuff, in exchange for snowgoose scouting.

If anyone is interested, just p.m. me, I am on here frequently. Thanks!!!
Just saw this and the season is over. Spring hunt is tough. The birds don't act like they do in the fall. In the fall you find birds in a field, leave them alone, and set up on them before daylight the next morning. If they weren't disturbed the day before, chances are better than good for a good hunt. In the Spring, they seldom come back to the same field, the only effective way to hunt them is to sneak up on them, which I will not do. If you want to hunt Snow geese in Arkansas, fall is the time to do it. They are going to have the World Snow goose hunting Championships again this year in January. We will be participating, but they are pretty tough even then. Best time is late November. Let me know if interested.
Just saw this and the season is over. Spring hunt is tough. The birds don't act like they do in the fall. In the fall you find birds in a field, leave them alone, and set up on them before daylight the next morning. If they weren't disturbed the day before, chances are better than good for a good hunt. In the Spring, they seldom come back to the same field, the only effective way to hunt them is to sneak up on them, which I will not do. If you want to hunt Snow geese in Arkansas, fall is the time to do it. They are going to have the World Snow goose hunting Championships again this year in January. We will be participating, but they are pretty tough even then. Best time is late November. Let me know if interested.
I assume there is still the 3 round limit at that time? What about electronic calls?
Been to Canada many times. You are correct, three shells and hand calls. They have an early electronic season before the birds arrive here
I hate to be contrary to more experienced members, but I'm leaving for MO tomorrow, near Chilliocothe. We've hunted the same area for almost 20y now and we usually get alot of birds in the spring if we time the flights right! The first birds are older and experienced, in a hurry to get north to breed. Tough to call, tough to hunt. The flights after the first push arent as big, but have many more younger birds. We use a couple of callers, one w a directional PA type speaker we can point at flocks, it will turn birds. Also later in the season we use a couple bigger potatoes in the middle of a blob spread of 5-600 socks, we've had birds lock in and darned near drop straight down on top of them! Quite a few ross geese as well. And you can shoot as many birds as you can, $40 license, load all you can, extended tubes are fine.
Hunted the last two weekends. For the first time in 3 years we've had a traditional migration! DNR reported well over a million birds between the Silver/swan lake refuges and I believe it. 2 hours long wave after wave of birds in the morning and eve. We harvested 49 birds over 2 spreads w 7 hunters over the first 3 days, lots fewer birds last weekend and 3 of us shot 7. Still all adults here. The juvies will be meandering up the next couple weeks....
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