Hornady Auto charge issue


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2014
I was about 20 rounds in on sat loading 6xc and I heard a constant beep , it was my auto charge ,I pushed buttons, cancel didn't work I couldn't turn it off. I had to unplug it to get it functioning again. This time I turned it on, calibrated it and just waited sure enough a few minutes went by same thing buzz and frozen. I unplugged it , and tried again now this time it didn't beep. Has anyone had this issue ,what was the outcome.
Yep I called hornady and theyre covering the shipping back and going to check it out. Im kinda nervous I loaded 40 300 rum a couple days before it started messing up. Wonder if I shouldnt pull a few loads and check them out.
Yep I called hornady and theyre covering the shipping back and going to check it out. Im kinda nervous I loaded 40 300 rum a couple days before it started messing up. Wonder if I shouldnt pull a few loads and check them out.

I would pull at least a sample percentage and weigh them before deciding what to do with the 40. With a good bullet puller in your press you could probably pull and reload all 40 in about an hour.
Yep I called hornady and theyre covering the shipping back and going to check it out. Im kinda nervous I loaded 40 300 rum a couple days before it started messing up. Wonder if I shouldnt pull a few loads and check them out.

Always better to be safe than sorry - an over or under charge with a 300 RUM is nothing to mess with. Good luck.
I have to pull them all the 3 of the 5 I pulled were a tad shy of a grain and a half light. Sob , I got this scale so I didn't have the inconsistencies that my beam scale had potential to do. I guess I was wrong

I'm thinking I should have got the pact scale ,a coworker has had one for a long time and not a bit of trouble. That will teach me for trying to save a buck.
Yep haha. I will have to check into the rcbs , I haven't seen one in person but I'm going to look closer into it
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