Women trying to trap us…🤣

I come from a long line of non-musical people. I'm not tone deaf and can carry a tune at least….my father, God bless him, can not.

I recall when I was a boy there was an "incident" in which my mother couldn't figure out what "that horrible sound" was at first, then told dad he needed to put our old dog out of her misery because she was obviously suffering terribly based on the noises she was making. The dog was fine. Sleeping as usual.

Dad sheepishly admitted he had been singing in the shower. It was so dreadful my mother mistook it for a dog moaning and howling in the pains of death 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I sing like a hybrid of Willie Nelson and Bon Scott. I'm sure I sound better than I think I do. 😜
Now if that van said magnum rifle primers we would all be in deep trouble.
Posted this one a while ago, seems appropriate to your comment here

So THATs where they go!?

I always thought there was a special black hole that they fall into- gone forever.
Kind of like the one in the drier that always eats that one sock in every load of clothes.
Yeah devious women have them…or Muddyboots! 🤣. Either way…

Your comment about socks is true and also reminds me of having cupboards full of containers with no lids and lids with no containers. I saw somewhere a person asked

"how do they even end up separated?"

The quick reply: "failure to communicate effectively, years of built up resentment….and a younger lid" 🤣

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