What Two Past Presidents Died on the Same Day? Happy 4th of July!


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2021

Did you know that John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died on the same day in 1826?

Did you know that they both died on the 4th of July, 1826? Just about 6 hours apart.

You may remember they both helped draft and were signers of the Declaration of Independence, and they both died exactly 50 years to the day that they signed it.

Jefferson died about 12:30 PM that day. Adams who died at about 6:30 PM in his very last words said:
"Jefferson remains". He did not know Jefferson had died about 6 hrs. earlier......you see they did not have internet and cell phones back then.

It seems almost by divine appointment that 2 writers of the Declaration, two past Presidents of the United States died on July the 4th, 50 years to the day from signing the Declaration.

Even back then, it was wondered about....almost too much of a coincidence.

As an added note, James Monroe another President also died on the
4th of July, 5 years later in 1831.

History is fascinating. It rhymes when it doesn' t repeat itself.

My belief. There is providence and divine intervention. There is a Sovereign
God who watches over our nation, who had a big hand in its founding, and has blessed it all these years.

It is my prayer we don't forget Him, and that He does not forget or abandon us to our own ways and to our enemies.

Have a great 4th of July, remember all those who went before, be grateful for their sacrifice and remember we were founded as One Nation Under God.

Happy 4th!
Just to add a bit to that amazing story.

On July 4, 1776 these were the ages of some of the founders:

Betsy Ross, 24.
Alexander Hamilton, 21.
Nathan Hale, 21.
James Madison, 25.
Thomas Jefferson, 33.
John Hancock, 39.
James Monroe, 18.
John Marshall, 20.
John Adams, 40.
Paul Revere, 41.
George washington, 44.
Benjamin Franklin, 70.
Just to add a bit to that amazing story.

On July 4, 1776 these were the ages of some of the founders:

Betsy Ross, 24.
Alexander Hamilton, 21.
Nathan Hale, 21.
James Madison, 25.
Thomas Jefferson, 33.
John Hancock, 39.
James Monroe, 18.
John Marshall, 20.
John Adams, 40.
Paul Revere, 41.
George washington, 44.
Benjamin Franklin, 70.
Yes, we stand on shoulders of giants, young and old who pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to liberty.