Target Camera Video System / Update

Yup, I can see that link in post #11. Was also able to open the link in the reply. Do you see the link in the first post?

Great film and set up BTW!

Yes! I definitely agree with you. The film is very impressive and informative as well.
The set up is really great:)
Quite similar to my setup, although I will now purchase some of the rechargeable battery packs for the RX and TX units. I have to run a converter @ my bench too as I only have an old computer monitor instead of a TV. The battery packs will cut out the bulky motomaster eliminator battery packs!! Plus they're cheap so I could get 6 units and have a couple of backups charged and ready to go in case one runs out of juice.

I have the high gain antenna but haven't had to use it yet as direct line of sight has worked 100% so far!!


Could you please give a complete parts list and alternative remote monitors that could be used?


Could you please give a complete parts list and alternative remote monitors that could be used?



All the components for the target camera and antenna are listed at the end of this
film. In addition, also listed is the place where you can purchase them and the person to speak to.

Good luck.
That's all well and good. But that's a lot of equipment that really isn't needed. I built one a few years ago, that went out to a mile with no antenna. Now I'm unlimited distance with cell service. It's very easy to put something together. The one I put together today was my spotting scope with an adaptor for my iphone to look through the eye piece. I was using my iPad as a screen. From there I just FaceTime my phone and I have my image.

If there is no cell service it takes a little more work but easily doable. I built a wifi network that had a distance of 1mile with no antenna with an antenna it claims to go out to 5 miles. You can use the same iphone and iPad. With an app that shares video.

Or you can add a camera with PTZ that way you can pan tilt or zoom the camera remotely.

There are so many easy options.

The dumpster was 65 yards away. The other pics show the adaptor I used


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