Swarovski, & Others, Demo & Display Optics Sale


Official LRH Sponsor
Dec 3, 2007
Old Bethpage NY


Swarovski Demo & Display Optics Sale

We just received a great delivery of show samples and demos from Swarovski. Everything is in it's original packaging with full warranty.
Please feel free to call Doug or Neil @ 212-753-5128 with any questions.

Swarovski STM 80 HD (Straight) (PN-49818) @ $1849.99

Swarovski ATM 80 HD (Angled) (PN-49814) @ $1849.99

Swarovski ATM 65 (Angled) (PN-49704) @ $999.99

Swarovski ATM 65 HD (Angled) (PN-49714) @ $1399.99

Swarovski STM 65 HD (Straight) (PN-49718) @ $1399.99

Swarovski 20-60XS Vario Eyepiece (PN-49330) @ $449.99

Swarovski 25-50x WW Eyepiece (PN-49340) @ $589.99

Swarovski 12x50 EL Swarovision (PN-35012) @ $2249.99

Swarovski CL Companion 10x30 (GREEN) (PN-58141) @ $839.99

Swarovski Laser Guide 8x30 (PN-70002)

Swarovski Z5 Series 5-25x52 - Fine Reticle (PN-59888) @ $1349.99

Please see other demos at:

Leica Demos

Minox Demos

Nikon Demos

Pentax Demos

Steiner Demos

Zeiss Demos

Zen-Ray Demos

If you have questions about anything please call Doug or Neil @ 212-753-5128 or e-mail Doug @ [email protected]

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