Suggestions for a practice location


Feb 6, 2013
Hey guys I recently purchased a R700sps in 300wm. I live in S.florida and the local gun range here only goes out to 100yds. I know this rig is capable of 500-600yd shots plus. but i would never take a shot like that on any game unless I have practiced plenty of times. I was just wondering where you guys go to practice these long range shots.
If you were in central florida, then I could help you out. I shoot with a long range group that goes out to 1000+ yds.

I have no idea what's available in south florida for long range practicing.

If practice is what you are looking for, and if you can find a range out to 200yd, i would suggest taking a .22 and shooting it at different ranges out to 200. It helps a person get used to calculating bullet drop mentally and applying that. If you don't have a good rimfire, it may be a good investment to look into.
gun)Just a suggestion.:D
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