New Leica geovid hdb 3000 or something else


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2012
Spring Lake Michigan
so I had the geovids for a few years and loved them. Problem is I can not locate them anymore. I ha e a good idea what happened but doesn't matter at this point they need to be replaced. I don't run any of the custom curves I just used them for ranging.
I liked the fact that you got a great set of bios and excellent ranging instead of buying two separate units.
Any other ones I should be looking at?
Ok well I was looking at the vertronics stuff today as they are cheaper and found out that lieca is a partner. My guess is that the glass is lieca. Would that mean the ranging device would be also or vertronics?
I almost talked myself out of the geovid because of price but I keep going back to how good the optics were and it gives you all the correct info. I may try the sd card drag files on this next set but I'm also ok doing what I did before. Just putting in the info into my ap app on my phone.
Might be nice to have a backup in case phone dies.
I know I can't shoot 3000 yards so I'm not sure it would be worth the extra cash for the 3000's over the 2700's but I kinda like the biggest and best in case one day I do get out that far. Any thoughts
I'm open for other range finding devices but have the lieca 1600b for a quick handheld. I've Ben tempted to just run that this winter and my app on my phone. But Leica never seem to be on sale or drop in price so I may as well buy them now.
I personally own the HD-B 3000 and im gonna tell you buy them... im talking probably the best rangefinder ive used other than the original Terripan!! ive ranged 2875 elk on hillside off hand. the other rangefinder that I have that will do that is my Terripan. I like to over buy on my rangefinder and think of it this way,,, your goals are 1000 or so or maybe 2000 I like to have a more powerful rangefinder with finer beam divergence with max range farther than I intend on using them for, that way my realistic ranges that I will shoot 99% of the time are quick fast and super accurate!
Do the Leica 2700 or 3000 allow more than one custom ballistic curve to be added thru the sd card?
I was very happy with my geovid before so I imagine I would like the 3000. I'm gonna pull the trigger on a new pair this week.
I'll highjack my own thread and ask you elk. Is the kestrel that much better than the applied app for my iPhone. I assume good info in good out. I can gather good info with my gear like the 3000's. Wind is the tough one but I try and read that at range not where I'm at. I've never used a kestrel so I'm not quite sure how they work or what advantages they have.
Its the same system. you can input the data from the geovids same as the kestrel
I just like the fact that the kestrel 5700 elite has it all real time already (spin drift direction of flight etc.) and all you need is the range, I have it set on range card and its stupid easy to scroll through the ranges (every 10 yards) and get quick dope or set the exact range if you have time and get it nats ***!!! its always up to date, its faster than having to redo all data all the time, another thing about the kestrel that I like is its bomb proof ive had mine since they came out and I replace the batteries one time! its been in the snow rain freezing *** cold and all other elements and it never quits. I think of my phone being a little fragile at times and really don't want to rely on it like my kestrel for that shot of a lifetime!
Ok thanks that's what I thought. I had issues with my phone battery every time out. My new phone has a case that extends the battery now. Looks like I have something to spend my Cabela's points on now.
Its the same system. you can input the data from the geovids same as the kestrel
I just like the fact that the kestrel 5700 elite has it all real time already (spin drift direction of flight etc.) and all you need is the range, I have it set on range card and its stupid easy to scroll through the ranges (every 10 yards) and get quick dope or set the exact range if you have time and get it nats *Rule 4 Violation*!!! its always up to date, its faster than having to redo all data all the time, another thing about the kestrel that I like is its bomb proof ive had mine since they came out and I replace the batteries one time! its been in the snow rain freezing *Rule 4 Violation* cold and all other elements and it never quits. I think of my phone being a little fragile at times and really don't want to rely on it like my kestrel for that shot of a lifetime!

are you still running the 3000 and kestrel? Or have found better option?
are you still running the 3000 and kestrel? Or have found better option?
Honestly.. for me NO! and yes im still running this set up!!! ive ran pretty much all of the RF and systems out there and im still running the 3000-B and kestrel elite 5700, don't get me wrong the kilo2400 is the best if a guy wants it all in a little RF and already has great glass, BUT the leica from what I've seen and experienced has the best lazer you can get without carrying around the original terripan, really tight divergence and when it says 851 yards you can bet a ton of money that its within a yard ( ive tested it against my Terripan, which all of you know is the best LRF you can get and its within a yard or two of that) another huge seller for me is the glass and ergo of the leica binos, ive yet to find anything as clear and easy on the eyes as the leica, I set them up on my tripod and I can stay in them all da with no eye strain. they set the RF up to not interfere with the coatings and this is huge! In my experience this set up second to none.
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One thing that discouraged me about leica is the industry worst warranty. For my eyes leica is the best alpha glass. But after paying for repairs on a spotting scope lens ($500) I won't buy their products any more. I still have my geovids but everything else is gone.
Honestly.. for me NO! and yes im still running this set up!!! ive ran pretty much all of the RF and systems out there and im still running the 3000-B and kestrel elite 5700, don't get me worn the kilo2400 is the best if a guy wants it all in a little RF and alreay has great glass, BUT the leica from what ive seen and experienced has the best lazer you can get without carrying around the original terripan, really tight divergence and when it says 851 yards you can bet a ton of money that its within a yard ( ive tested it against my Terripan, which all of you know is the best LRF you can get and its within a yard or two of that) another huge seller for me is the glass and ergo of the leica binos, ive yet to find anything as clear and easy on the eyes as the leica, I set them up on my tripod and I can stay in them all da with no eye strain. they set the RF up to not interfere with the coatings and this is huge! In my experience this set up second to none.

Thank you. For the reply
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