New barrel and ready to hunt.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
It was a beautiful day today in East TN. Cool front came through last night and it went from the humid 90's down to very little humidity and the mid 70's for a high. I just had to go to the range this morning.:rolleyes:
I needed to get my deer hunting arsenal tuned up and ready to roll. My rifles stay ready but just had to check them. I got a new Contender barrel for last Christmas from MGM it is a 14" SS Shilen in 30-30 Ackley Improved. I have not had much time to do much shooting this summer due to my wife being diagnosed with breast cancer and all that goes with surgery and chemo and taking care of her. I did find the load that I wanted to use and loaded up a bunch and properly zeroed the Contender in today.

Here is how she shoots.
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