Neil and Joel will be in Charge


Official LRH Sponsor
Dec 3, 2007
Old Bethpage NY
Neil and Joel will be in Charge
It's that time of the year again (school winter brake) that I actually go away on vacation with the wife and kids. No computer, no cell phone, no work....(OK, I am sure I'll find some internet service somewhere along the way).
I'm out of the store from the 13th - the 23rd. While I'm out Neil and Joel will be taking care of things for me.
Feel free to call them or e-mail:
Neil - [email protected]
Joel - [email protected]
I am sure the more e-mails they get the happier they'll be. Send an e-mail just to say hi and see if they're making out OK without me :D .
Thanks for all the support that we have received.
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