Muzzled Wolf In bar

This fool must not be a real hunter. Real hunters respect what they kill. We put down animals that are seriously hurt, put them out of their misery. I know wolves are up for serious conversation out west between hunters and some government/animal groups, you just don't drag a wounded animal around town as a prize. This idiot should get jail time.

From another article that I read, he hit it with a snowmobile. This kind of crap makes hunters look bad, but he was not hunting. Not that the antihunters won't spin it that way.
That's how I took it, too.
He is a snowmobiler NOT a hunter.

I agree that he should face jail time, though I disagree with CST on rehabbing the wolf. Put it down right before the guy gets cuffed and stuffed.
Well we stopped instionalizing or prosecuting the insane and psychotic, so.....

What's the odds he's tortured other animals before, the psychology is fair established in this area. Chances this was a one off.... is what .1 to 99.9. Doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure this is a sign of some darkness.
This incident is listed in a lawsuit trying to relist wolves as endangered.

Just takes 1 idiot. 1 wolf does not constitute an endangered species.

I'm the first one to admit this *** got off to easy. He's got to be a real sick individual. The kind of people that become mass murderers.
The timing is suspect to me. Kind of like the mass shootings that always seem to push an agenda.
What's worse? One guy being a moron, or the fact environmental groups and government regularly use that to take away our rights?
It's kind of a cause and effect thing. When someone does something stupid like this it reflects on us. Even though the guy was not a hunter. We need to relay that message to anyone thinking it was a hunter. Maybe we should start a rumor that the guy was a vegan.

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