Longest Form 3 wait time

Panhandlin Pat

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2022
Just curious as to what the longest time someone has waited for a suppressor to get cleared to ship to dealer was. I ordered a couple cans from Dead Air during their move, so orders were delayed. One can had a roughly 3 week time for form 3 approval, pretty standard I believe. The other is going on 4 months. I inquired about some information so I could harass the ATF but only got a "we're waiting on your form 3 approval" response.

The wait to ship so I can wait some more is killing me!
Four months is insane for a Form 3. I've waited a couple of weeks before, but only because it took the dealer that long to pull their S together and get it filed, they usually go through in about a week once submitted.
I thought so too. I will say dealing with dead air directly has been less than satisfactory. I initially thought this can had shipped and was stolen. Took them over a week to return my email inquiring about the serial number so I could file a report. I'll add, I put this order in last December, knowing there would be a wait for the order to be fulfilled.
I thought so too. I will say dealing with dead air directly has been less than satisfactory. I initially thought this can had shipped and was stolen. Took them over a week to return my email inquiring about the serial number so I could file a report. I'll add, I put this order in last December, knowing there would be a wait for the order to be fulfilled.
Dead air is having serious problems with one of the cans they released a little over a year ago (Sierra 5) now that it's getting into people's hands. They've handled the situation poorly and their CS across the board has tanked. I assume they're struggling to keep up with the abnormally high volume of RMAs coming in.

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