Leupold Kenai spotting scope

I was just going to post asking the same question but I thought id do a search first, im trying to decide between those to also, I think im leaning more towards vortex, never looked thru that spotting scope but the nomad and razor are really impressive, and my buddy just bought the talon HD and I really want a pair of those, but at the same time I've never looked thru a leupold yet that I didn't like, wish I could get them both side by side to do a comparison
I ended up ordering the Kenai. Hopefully it will be here by this weekend and I can go try it out. I ordered through Cabelas so if I am not satisfied it will be going back. Main reason I went with the Kenai is it is slightly shorter and lighter.
I checked out the kenai and I thought its an awesome spotter, it has a really good quality of build feel to it, I think the thing feels just as nice as a swaro. it just seems really well made. another scope that really impressed me for the money is leupolds new ventana. I am surprised they can offer a spotter of that quality for such little money.

vortex on the other hand doesn't give me the same quality of feel, well at least the skyline ED spotter that my buddy has doesn't.
I got my Kenai the other day but have only been able to use it in the neighborhood. I went to a local sporting goods store and took my Kenai with me. I was able to compare my Kenai and a Vortex Razor HD next to each other. I was looking at a tree at about 600yrds. To tell the truth the Kenai looked clearer. I could not get the Razor to focus at 60x power though it did seem to bring the tree closer. I had to back out to about 40x power to get it to focus as well as the Kenai. Maybe the Razor will do better at longer distances. I was suprised at the results.
leupold really has some great spotters for the money, the other thing is they seem like they are very well put together with quality parts. they have a new series called the ventana I was impressed with them too, and they are priced even less
I have had the Kenai HD for about 6 months and I think it is very good for my use (target shooting). I can resolve .22 holes from my AR at 300 yds with no problem. The glass if very clear (HD) and resolution is good all they way up to maximum power.

I'm, getting ready for hunting season so I got a scope cover from Creedmore and it is much better than the foam cover that Leupold sends. It has a handle and you can mount the scope on a tripod with the cover still on. My suggestion is that the cover is a very nice upgrade for about $40.

As with any spotting scope, the tripod is, at least, as important as the scope. I got the kit from Leupold which included a small tripod and I should have saved the money. I had to go out and get a taller and more sturdy tripod.

I love the scope but don't like the Leupold accessories for this unit (however, I love their rifle scope covers made of aluminum with the little magnets). Save your money and get the bare scope without the kit.
I took the Kenai out with me this morning to do some target shooting. I was shooting my 22-250 and 7mmrem at 400yrds. I was able to see the bullet holes on my orange peel targets. I still think that maybe I am expecting too much from a spotter. I can see the holes at 400yrds but thought it should be easier to tell. The sun was at about 10 o'clock from my spotter so the light may have had something to do with it.
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