Just Booked a Wyoming Antelope Hunt


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2011
Lynchburg, TN
Just booked a hunt with Sy Gilliland of SNS Outfitters out of Casper for the first of October. Hunting Area 25. Anyone have any input on the outfitter or the area?
Its an ok area. quality of bucks is decent. There are a lot better areas but they are hard to draw. Hopefully the person you booked through owns or leases land. Should still be fun. Hopefull u get a big one.
Yes I hunted elk with SNS great hunt, everything quality. I've followed them quite awhile, and Antelope quality seems to get better even in bad years. I don't know that antelope area, but I suspect they have leases, and it's likely they have been hunting it awhile. The only negative I've heard of them is they can be territorial about their leases. Boundary location can be an issue in any state, but Wyoming can be a checkerboard of ownership, leading to you are here, no I'm not discussions. This would effect non clients more so than clients. Which hunt did you book?
I have hunted bear with SNS and everything was first class all the way. Sy and his guides will work real hard for you.
Man that sounds great, I personally don't care about horns but some day I want to get out there just for a few doe's.

I'm the same way. I'll take any buck that is just a good representative of the species for a mount. Then I'm hoping to buy 2-3 doe tags for the area and do some more long range shooting.
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