Happy Bastille DAY


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2020
Montana - Suburbia
Happy Bastille Day, 14 July 1789 - for those in USA <> 'la Fête Nationale Française' - for those in France

Those in the USA seem to prefer linking a situation with an actual event, an example being Pearl Harbor day, thus identifing the beginning of France's democracy as "Bastille Day".

Probably the biggest military parade anywhere in civilized countries.

In 2018, to commemorate the 100 year end of WWI, President Trump & first lady Melania attended the event and with President Macron, & first lady Brigitte, reviewed the parade which included a contingent of our troops, displaying our national colors, marching by in WWI uniforms to Wheels (music) relaxed and upbeat but relentless to make things good. Hope to see a Bastille day parade like this again.
This year's Bastille Day observance AKA 'la Fête Nationale Française', included awarding 4 US military veterans the Legion of Honor medal for their service in France during WWII.