2010 Arizona Coues Deer Hunt


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2010
My friend, Cody (huntermncb) and I headed down south last friday afternoon for our hunt. Saturday morning I shot my buck at 741 yards bedded on a cut, it scored 105". Cody shot a 2x1 sunday morning at 370 yards. Both deer were shot with a 338 edge. This was my first coues deer and couldn't be any happier.




I've killed a few Coues with my bow. That's a really nice buck you have there. Congratulations.
Very nice Coues, Congratulations! They are tough little buggers. :)

I have never shot one in Arizona but have made several trips to Sonora for Coues and Desert Mulies.
Congratulations on your first Coues Deer! I've never seen one till now.

Kinda reminds me of the whitetail buck antlers I see from this area, but obviously a different kind of deer.

Thanks for postin.
the smaller one is what i generally see. that big one is near record book. i am so envious. nice shooting. nice pics too. ronninflag
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