Recent content by Ryan - Matrix

  1. Ryan - Matrix

    Matrix Bullets ...

    We have a run of 150's scheduled right now, if you'd like some I can increase the run size a bit. They'll be run within the next 3 weeks.
  2. Ryan - Matrix

    Matrix are back

    Thanks for the mention, Mickey! I'm planning to be on the forum quite a bit going forward, looks like there is an amazing level of knowledge and information shared here.
  3. Ryan - Matrix

    Matrix Bullets ...

    Right now I produce 146s and 160s as standard sizes but I keep getting asked about the 150s so i may do a big run of them..
  4. Ryan - Matrix

    Matrix Bullets ...

    I have my permit to ship to the USA now, still working out a few details. The relaxing ITAR should certainly help! Look forward to dealing with all of you.