Recent content by jtv3062

  1. J

    Why is the Forster CO-AX press so sought after?

    That's amazing. It like when people ask which hamburger joint is better and you get the replies of "none, I make the best burger...."
  2. J

    Counter sniper scopes....any good???

    Are you kidding! $6 to $8000 scopes for the government and we get the overruns for $600. They're made out of space age materials like unobtanimum. Joking made in China garbage, not more than $100 in my opinion. BS marketing.
  3. J

    Counter sniper scopes....any good???

    Interesting side story Federal agents raid Bois D'Arc mansion and Springfield business | Home - Home
  4. J

    Security - Downloads via Android

    I bought mine thru the Google market. I've bought otherthings such as the mp3 player Varmint Al recommends for building his e-caller using Google market with no issues.
  5. J

    military pea shooters

    If the supply dry up cause our men and women need those supplys to finsh the mission I say let them have all of it. We sportsmen and tax payers can wait It may mean they come home to the thier loved ones or come home in a body bag