Recent content by IPSC

  1. I

    Rifle Cleaning

    Just a reminder..... don't gloss over the pros/cons of all the various methods described in the linked video I show in response # 39. Pretty much sums up the "Always clean" vs "sweet-zone" of SOME fouling methods...and all the reasons why. I know in today's sound-bite world we often can't...
  2. I

    Rifle Cleaning

    Surgically clean may not be the answer. The rifle often shoots better at SOME level of copper fouling that fills in the micro-cracks and irregularities...and if you let it go too far, it again gets worse. This guy as a 101 chapter video series on long-range/sniper shooting.... he has an odd way...
  3. I

    A sad day for reloading in the UK

    This needs to be said. You can't buy something in the UK because of what the EU says? Therein lies the problem. These un-elected Brussels beaurocrats....who over-rule national soverign law. So your local or national govt did not ban this? ...the EU did?Much like the EU a few years ago who said...
  4. I

    Shooting heavy recoiling rifle from bench-beginner here

    Thank you for answering why you don't want a muzzle brake.... noise and influence on nearby people in a hunting setting, etc. Might still want to look into Mag-na-Porting as it will force gases UP through holes that are EDM'd onto the top and top/side of the barrel. Will help with lift and also...
  5. I

    Shooting heavy recoiling rifle from bench-beginner here

    Surprised this thread ran as long as it did without asking a pretty obvious and easy question.... why is a muzzle brake "not allowed"?..... as stated by the OP? Would be a pretty effective first step along with all the other technique-aspects presented here.