Recent content by ddelle338

  1. D

    879 pound Black Bear taken - PA

    Can't access any photo posting sites from work. Here's a caption of a picture showing Leroy leaning on the back of the bear while it eats from a pile of pies: You can see that one here: Bushkill man 'devastated' by death of bear he'd fed for years | "Leroy Lewis spends some...
  2. D

    879 pound Black Bear taken - PA

    Yes it was a wild animal. Lived in the wild. BUT... It was basically tame, they did have kids petting and sitting on him. It was hand-fed pies and such it's whole life. This came directly from the friends of the guy that "raised" it.
  3. D

    879 pound Black Bear taken - PA

    Yep, Now from what I read, They, (him and his hunting party) knew it was there but, I'm not sure any of them knew his exact routine. But I believe they knew enough about it that they did a little drive that pushed the bear right to him.
  4. D

    Greetings fro PA.

    S. Central, Just north of York.
  5. D

    879 pound Black Bear taken - PA

    Not to take away from the size of the "Trophy" but, the bear was raised by a local man from a cub. He was hand fed all the time. Local restaurants would set food out back for him. So he would make his rounds almost like clockwork. Everybody (locals) knew him and some idiots actually put their...
  6. D

    Greetings fro PA.

    Hi all. Been a member for some time but have not been able to log in from work due to the firewall blocking anything and everything having to do with guns. Something must be wrong with the firewall?? Anyway, I'm happy to be here. (While I can).