Recent content by CRaTxn

  1. C

    What is everyones REALISTIC dream animal to hunt?

    Bongo in the Congo...Giant Eland in Texas ( so I can eat all that wonderful meat )
  2. C

    What is everyones REALISTIC dream animal to hunt?

    Sir, you have "Misplaced allegiance"..."just following orders" is for those who would follow unconstitutional orders...and yes I know whereof I speak...VN & DS-DS
  3. C

    What is everyones REALISTIC dream animal to hunt?

    Africa has Cape Buffalo...Water Buffalo would be Australia or Asia What a Coues!!!
  4. C

    Dream hunt animal

    Bongo in the Congo...Giant Eland in Texas ( so I can keep the wonderful meat )
  5. C

    6.5x284 & 280ai comparison

    Dead is dead whether with a bullet or bowling ball dropped out of a 747. The reality is which will you shoot better because bullet placement makes all the difference. A lot of male egos on here will show billfold target groups at 800 or 1,000 yards shot from a bench or prone but...single digit %...
  6. C

    Looking for pass through

    Another important factor is your aim point ... are you a heart-lung guy or a shoulder-spine man? Resistance is much different between these two kill zones. Remember IF Velocity was required for penetration to the vitals...300 fps arrows would not kill!!
  7. C

    Looking for pass through

    The Swede has sufficient velocity...actually excessive velocity reduces penetration as the bullets impact velocity can set up a hydrostatic bow wave of blood & and lymph liquids that actually make the tissue harder to passthrough ...think of how velocity effects the resistance of a falling...
  8. C

    Advice on next rifle purchase

    First DEFINE your problem before requesting solutions...i.e. what is the purpose for the new rifle? animals/ranges/walking rifle or blind rifle
  9. C

    Advice on next rifle purchase

    First DEFINE your problem before ask for solutions
  10. C

    Case head expansion (CHE), reloader's signs of pressure

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Amen...each chamber also has its size tolerances and will effect fired case dimensions. With the same brass that had perfect consistency possibly firing a normal load and miking expansion vs a heavy load expansion would have some validity BUT the...
  11. C

    Bigger is better theory or truth?

    ...............................................................................................................CNS- shoulder/spine/brain hits produce more DRT than heart/lung hits. Heart/lung results differ depending on what the heart was doing at the moment of impact i.e. if the heart was in...
  12. C

    Barrel break-in for lapped barrels

    David Tubbs (yes a TEXAN) is also the best rifleman in the know universe. His solution is Final Finish AND IT ADDRESSES THE CHAMBER LEADS/THROAT.
  13. C

    Do larger calibers really compensate for bad shots?

    Not good analogies sir...thus poor logic drawn from them...a bit scattered also. I don't want to attack you but, I do want new hunters to question this opinion you espoused.
  14. C

    Suitable youth rifle for a Mule Deer hunt?

    With modern bullets...the 6mm performance is what the 7mm used to be...a flinch will ensure poor shot placement for a 13 year old girl or a 40 year old male. Unless you want to down load a lot of practice loads and then stick in a hot one on her...6mm OH, shorten the stock to fit her and have a...
  15. C

    Wall Tent Camping - Luxury items?

    .............................................................................................................. >>Very mature comment Jeff. Len, you are a nice man and have ultimate editorial oversight on YOUR blog. BUTT, my friend I would not lose sight of the old axiom that "the customer is...