Recent content by AKINGE

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    Age this guy.

    3 year old, but teeth are the best way to be sure.
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    Wolves poisoned in Oregon

    Putin did it!!!!
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    The black grey squirrel

    Here's another version of the grey
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    North Dakota

    Do any of you N.Dakotans know of any good outfitters or guides, that specialize in mule deer in the western part of the state? Even a place for DIY would be nice to find.
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    Help me decide: Minimum caliber for larger NA game

    You might want to take a look at the 338-06. Adequate for anything in N. America and doesn't send you to the dentist to have fillings replaced after a day at the range.
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    Wyoming whitetail trophy

    Look for outfitters in the eastern/northeastern part of the state. They have some nice whitetails there.