My Iranian Red Sheep with a 257 Roy.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2013
Had a great hunt this past week with some buddies on a ranch here in Texas. Our primary goal was Red Stag, but somehow I ended up with a Red Sheep, instead. Ha. Didn't see many large Stag that we could get a shot off at. They were very skittish. It's still hot here in Texas and the Rut is running a little late. We did have shots at smaller Stags, but opted to pass to keep the Ranch Manager happy.

Anyway, after 2 frustrating days of hunting Stag, I decided to focus my effort on something else. Had the option of Oryx, Black Buck, Fallow, Axis or Iranian Red Sheep. I wanted a Red Sheep, but the manager of the ranch said the Red Sheep are pretty elusive and chances are slim to none of seeing one, let alone shooting one. Well, long story short, I lucked out on the last day of the hunt.

I shot this guy from about 80 yards with my 257 Weatherby and a 110 AB, in front of a stiff charge of H-1000.
Shot him squarely in the shoulder and he dropped, doa. Found the bullet on the off side, weighed 54 grains. Very happy with the performance. Guide said the Sheep was a Gold Class. Horn's were 34 in long and 11.5 inches in diameter. Spread was 14 in.

Very nice. Thanks for sharing the hunt story, as well as the pics of your sheep and recovered bullet.
Ok. I was just thinking it's an exotic hunting ranch that I could visit and go hunt but if it's private or something, I'll find another. No problem.
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