New LR Build M700 Magazine Box


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2012
I am assembling parts for my new .300 Win Mag LR build. The receiver is a new M700 LA with the magnum bolt face (tuned), Kreiger chromoly, Timney etc. I intend to use the Berger 210 gr. VLD and or the Berger 190 VLD if they shoot well in this gun. What magazine do you guys recommend to obtain the necessary OAL with the 210 gr.? Wyatt? If so which one/part number? What OAL are you working with when using 210 gr.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts and advice.
The MBE-2 is for LA's that aren't Ultra Mag's. I'm not sure you'd need anything but the factory mag box although the Wyatt will give you plenty of extra room.
I am assembling parts for my new .300 Win Mag LR build. The receiver is a new M700 LA with the magnum bolt face (tuned), Kreiger chromoly, Timney etc. I intend to use the Berger 210 gr. VLD and or the Berger 190 VLD if they shoot well in this gun. What magazine do you guys recommend to obtain the necessary OAL with the 210 gr.? Wyatt? If so which one/part number? What OAL are you working with when using 210 gr.
Thanks in advance for your thoughts and advice.

I'm kind of in the same boat, lookin for drop mag for my 7mag. I have on of wyatts drop mags on my 308, it's ok, doesn't lock up tight, I've seen some badger that seemed pretty tight, was lookin in the brownells catalog, they have a surgeon, it says
" with minor fitting " it will fit a rem 700, plus you have bedding pillars, never done that before.
I have the MB-3 in my Ultra mag I wouldnt recommend it it has trouble feeding the bottom round if you have a long COAL, I would go with the centerfeed wyatt..
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