looking for reload data M1 Garand


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2009
pabst, wisconsin
Using IMR 4895 with Sierra 150gr. Spitzers. I load 46 gr of IMR 4895 with Hornady 150 gr. HPBT match and it shoots pretty good. I was interested in more of a hunting load using the first combo mentioned but I can't find a good place to start my ladder.

My Hornady manual says max load for 150 gr. HPBT match is 46.4 but these two bullets are a lot different and I'm finding all kinds of different answers on the web.

All help much appreciated. Thanks.

IMR4064 proved the best in the .30-06 for Garands shooting 150 through 180 grain bullets in competion. Most of the matches won and records set with handloaded ammo for this bullet range used IMR4064. But you gotta weigh each charge. An arsenal tried metering that powder for match ammo but it wasn't uniform enough in charge weight. 4895 metered more consistant and that's why it was best for both the .30-06 and 7.62 NATO match ammo when high speed metering of powder was done.
In PA, we can't use Garands or any semi-auto rifles for hunting.

However, my deer load for my 1903A3 is a Hornady 150gr BSTP over 47.0gr of IMR-4895. I have shot this load out of my M1 Garand with excellent accuracy.
47 grs IMR 4895 with about any 150 gr bullet is about standard for the M1 Garand. I use 48 grs with Nos 155 match bullets in LC match cases in my Garnad as my match load. It is very accurate.
My hornaday 8th manual doesn't even give a load for imr 4895 and 150 to 155gn bullet.

But they do have one with h4895 witch is 43.2 for base and 46.4 Max.

And this is the M1 Garand load.
Grizly- i loaded and shot 2500 rounds one year . mostly 168, and 167 with some 175. All match bullets. i used mostly I4895, h4895 and varget and a little i4064 and n-150. i have a great rifle and it is hard for me to tell a difference. i will tell you the 165 sierra bthp is a hunting bullet and what i load in mine for hunting along with varget. master po's has some load online. do not know how to give you a link. some of my best groups came with I4895 and 168's at 100 yards. using the sierra 150 any of the first four powders metioned should be great.
In PA, we can't use Garands or any semi-auto rifles for hunting.

However, my deer load for my 1903A3 is a Hornady 150gr BSTP over 47.0gr of IMR-4895. I have shot this load out of my M1 Garand with excellent accuracy.

Drill a hole in the gas plug and you have a great bolt gun.

I have used mostly 168's and either 4064 or Varget right around 48 grains.
I use 48.5 grs 4064 under a 165 gr Accubond and like this load a lot.

You can use a 150 gr bullet with the same charge and it works great as well.
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