Idaho Wolf Hunting info needed


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
Southeast Idaho
Anybody got some info on the wolves and hunting around the Stanley area?
Any land owners or ranchers that need these vermon shot?
Group of my buddies just got back empty handed and cold. I have a bad shoulder so I couldn't go. Hoping to make the next trip.
I need as much info as I can get.
I am also in need of general area information. Everybody wants them dead but nobody is saying where to go. I am not hunting elk and do not need to hear about your favorite spot where you kill your elk every year....Well .....unless there is a gut pile there.

If you want to know about Montana get ahold of me.

I also realize it is not easy hunting, but I want 2 Idaho wolves.

I want open country.

Wife has left for Arizona for 10 days

Guys, I would contact Idaho Fish and Game. I have heard that they are being very helpful if they know where certain packs are. As the winter progresses you will find most of the wolves migrating out of Stanley basin and heading lower with the deer and elk. That means the Lowman, Salmon, Challis area.

There isn't enough snow there yet to do that so where you find elk you will find wolves.

Hit the roads and trails looking for tracks. That area is big country and even though there are a lot of wolves they have thousands of acres to hide in.

Make sure you are up very early and stay up late. They are mostly nocturnal so early and late are easiest to find them. Plus locating them by their howls can set you up for a good hunt the next day.

Scot E.
Guys, I would contact Idaho Fish and Game. I have heard that they are being very helpful if they know where certain packs are. As the winter progresses you will find most of the wolves migrating out of Stanley basin and heading lower with the deer and elk. That means the Lowman, Salmon, Challis area.

There isn't enough snow there yet to do that so where you find elk you will find wolves.

Hit the roads and trails looking for tracks. That area is big country and even though there are a lot of wolves they have thousands of acres to hide in.

Make sure you are up very early and stay up late. They are mostly nocturnal so early and late are easiest to find them. Plus locating them by their howls can set you up for a good hunt the next day.

Scot E.

We did contact the local biologist. He was helpful. Just looking for as much info as we can get.
Count me in the group that want's them gone! This question has come up a few times, and respectfully the degree of difficulty is very high, I could tell you where wolf howls were heard last week, but you'd be burning $4 a gallon fuel to chase an animal that may have moved another fuel tank in God knows what direction. We are all starting from scratch, and there isn't a secret spot. Wolves are being killed in pretty much all the units except southern Idaho. Mostly luck. Somewhat better odds than hitting one on the highway, but not much.
History many times is the best teacher, and there is a reason, aerial gunning, traps, poison, bounties, shoot on sight, and professionals working full time have been required to control wolf populations.
Tossing a dart at a map is as likely to produce desirable results as any advice you'll get. By all means go, have fun, have plenty of tags. Like an outfitter in the NWT told me 20+ years ago, have a tag in your pocket, if for some quirk we get into a pack keep shooting and we'll find enough tags. It's an old style metal tag still in the basement unfilled. Second thought it may be an unfilled BC tag, I've got some of those also. I'll most likely add Idaho to the set after the New Year.
I think it's more conscience than competition keeping the answers vague.
We did contact the local biologist. He was helpful. Just looking for as much info as we can get.

When I shot my wolf in 2009 the head wolf guy at fish and game told me the highest concentration in the state was in the S. Fork of Payette River drainage. That very well could of changed by now because he also told me that even without hunting the wolves were eating elk faster than they could reproduce. That is why they made the general muzzleloader tags in to draws and have a quota on the general rifle tags. I have heard them a lot of times and seen a few in that country but they are hard to see from a long ways off because of the amount of timber and the roughness of the terrain combined with very few roads or trails. You can call them now and that may not be a bad idea especially in that country. We are suppose to get 6-12" of snow Wed. through Thursday so the elk will be coming down and the wolves will be right on there heels. One other thing the wolf biologist said was that the wolves are typically on about a 7 day cycle. Meaning every 7 days or so they come through certain areas.

BTW I was up with a friend looking for elk last week for the muzzleloader hunt and saw a bunch of fresh wolf tracks and no elk or elk tracks. I'll probably take a call this time myself. Just remember that despite the largest quota in the state the S. FK. of the Payette area didn't come close to filling the quota the in last season.
I do not know what the current status of this pac is. With that said I have had several encounters with wolves north of fairfield.
We say three wolves(may have been the same one) but three dferant times
Told a guy who was hunting in the same area He set up and tried calling them and started howling back but never came out in to the open. We had the same results latter. They were allways in the saem draw.
Go north from fairfield go right up the dirt load over wells summit.
Good camping spot at the bottom north side of wells summit.
Keep going on this road about 3 miles form the bottom of the hill. road will t left or right go right take the next road to your right the pack was up this road just in the iside the tree line.
If you go alittle further after the right turn at the T there is a road marked with a "not maintained road" sign this road will put you on the north side of a small ridge to the north of the draw they where living in good place to call from and a long shot.
I have detailed maps if you are near star
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