Wolves: If you are from Idaho Please take action


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
SW Idaho
Tomorrow (April 6) House BIll 343 will be in the Senate Resources Committee at 2:00 PM. House Bill 343 declares Idaho to be in a state of emergency relating to wolves and gives the governor executive rights to declare a state of emergency that would allow Idahoans to control the numbers of wolves in the state. The bill lists the reasons which include devastation of game herds, economic loss, and public safety just to name a few. There are many Supreme Court Rulings and Opinions that back the governor and legislature's right to declare a state emergency so the strategy used in the bill should be effective if it can be passed. This is not just about wolves, its also about states rights. Read the bill herehttp://www.legislature.idaho.gov/legislation/2011/H0343.pdf

The House has already voted and passed this bill with a vote of 64-5.

It is presumed that this bill will pass the Senate Resources Committee as that Chairman, Senator Monty Pearce, Co-Authored the bill and as there are 5 co-sponsers on the committee; 5 are needed to pass it out.

We do not know whether the Senate will pass the bill or if the governor will sign it. We need your support to get this bill passed and made law. If possible, please attend the Resources Committee Meeting at the Idaho State Capital Tomorrow at 2:00 PM to show your support. We also need you to call the governor's office and leave a message for the governor telling him that you support H343. The governors office # 334-2100. If the Senate passes this bill, it will then be the governors responsibility to open season on wolves. He needs to know that you support him doing that.

Please send this to all your Idaho friends and neighbors and encourage them to do the same. Together we can make a difference and take back our great state.
Iron Worker
At this point tags are for sale, but there isn't a general season.
It's been a while since I've seen the number, but I believe Idaho's stated population goal for wolves is about 150 animals-15 breeding pairs. There are "officially" about 900 in the state, the prior goal of removing 220 animals (188 actual) isn't a break even number.
The continued movement towards declaring this invasion a disaster since the "delisting" is a reflection of more folks realizing prior plans of managing this predator are completely inadequate. It will take aerial gunning, traps, e-calls, bait and liberal rifle seasons to achieve the number reduction necessary to allow big game herds any hope of recovery.
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