Advise needed


Official LRH Sponsor
Mar 25, 2007
Hey guys,

My buddy and I have been working on a rifle system for the last three years and have come up with a final product. It works exceptionally well. We took a mulie buck at 834yrds this last fall with it.

We want to market this thing, but have decided that we should get a patent on it. We can not afford the patent process. I want to know what you all think about getting an investor, and is anyone here interested in making an investment?

Steve, Look me up in the book, I have a business story to relate to you,call anytime. I am leaving in a bit to F&G
Steve, all i can tell you is a patent is only as good as your ability to defend it. Lesson learned the hard way.
Steve, all i can tell you is a patent is only as good as your ability to defend it. Lesson learned the hard way.

I have been told this before. So we thought about just going into marketing it. But then I do not want to be that guy that says "That was my design, they stole it".

What happened to you? If you don't want it public send me a pm.

Anybody here that has gone through the patent process that can shed some light about what it takes?

Wow. that seems like alot $$$ FOR AN IDEA. Steve and I have been around guys in the archery business and shooting that came up w/good ideas.Dan Evans= trophy taker rest, I know he used to give them to Andy. Imagine he has a patent, but look at all the other drop aways now.
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