Nikon, Vortex or Huskemaw


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2002
I'm hoping you guys can offer some advice and your experience. I'm in the market for a new scope to go on a 7wsm hunting rifle. I need the scope to be in the 4-16 to 5-20 magnification range and I'm trying to decide from these three:

Nikon Monarch X 4-16x50
Vortex Viper PST 4-16x50
Huskemaw 5-20-50

So I'm in the $1000 range for scopes. I don't want to go much more than that. A Nightforce is out because of weight and cost. What would you guys go with and why? Thanks
Great review, I especially liked the review of the FFP reticle not interfering with the shot. I'm wondering if you had the scope on 10 power would the reticle have covered the coyote up? I'm still a skeptic in regards to FFP scopes for hunting..How is the glass compared to scopes you've looked through?

What info did you give Vortex to build the BDC dial?
Great review, I especially liked the review of the FFP reticle not interfering with the shot. I'm wondering if you had the scope on 10 power would the reticle have covered the coyote up? I'm still a skeptic in regards to FFP scopes for hunting..How is the glass compared to scopes you've looked through?

What info did you give Vortex to build the BDC dial?

With the FFP reticule in my PST the power makes no difference with your intended target. As the power increases the target AND the reticle increases in the same proportion.

This is what I did: Drop chart. - Georgia Outdoor News Forum

Vortex submitted this info into the computer program and then made the velocity match the drops that my rifle shot. Your actual drop chart that is made in the field is more important than getting them from someones computer program. My drop from my zero of 200 yds was 8+1/2 inches at 300 yds. Other computer programs said it should have been 7 inches. This would have made a big difference at longer ranges. This is VEEEERRRY important you find out what the actual drop from your zero is at longer ranges. You also need to be confident of your groups that you shoot "FEEL GOOD".
So when you measure from point of aim down to the middle of your group you get a good measurement. It was funny that I had more trouble getting a good feel of my group at 300 yds than I did at 400 yds. Anyway I finally got a good measurement at 300 & 400 yds.

Hope I have helped,

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Thanks Joseph, I was just curious what info you gave them to come up with the drop chart. I always shoot to get my drop chart data. Then I never have questions whether its correct or not.

The Vortex seems to be a very nice scope. Wish I could look through one before buying, but I don't know of any stores in CO that sells them.
Thanks Joseph, I was just curious what info you gave them to come up with the drop chart. I always shoot to get my drop chart data. Then I never have questions whether its correct or not.

The Vortex seems to be a very nice scope. Wish I could look through one before buying, but I don't know of any stores in CO that sells them.

Here ya go. Look through this one. I have to warn you though looking through a PST held in your hand will look a lot better than these pictures: :):):):):):)

Keep scrolling down for about 2 dozen pictures. The pictures are not accurate with color, clarity and contrast, but do show you the least expensive scope the PST will do anything the others will do for half the price.

another Vortex Viper PST FFP 1/10mil 4-16x review - Sniper's Hide Forums

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Thanks Joseph, I was just curious what info you gave them to come up with the drop chart. I always shoot to get my drop chart data. Then I never have questions whether its correct or not.

The Vortex seems to be a very nice scope. Wish I could look through one before buying, but I don't know of any stores in CO that sells them.

Here ya go. Look through this one. I have to warn you though looking through a PST held in your hand will look a lot better than these pictures: :):):):):):)

another Vortex Viper PST FFP 1/10mil 4-16x review - Sniper's Hide Forums

More pics:

Illuminated reticle here:

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