Beginner here with several questions


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
First off I'm new to the site...just found it a few days ago and now can't stay off of it. I know little to nothing about a lot of the topics so forgive me if I end up asking any seemingly stupid questions. I've been reading different stuff here and there and have a few questions to start with.

#1 - I've been reading about needing good rings and bases. What are some good brands of rings and bases and what should a person expect to pay for them? What makes some of the rings and bases so much better than or why are standard leupold rings and bases most hunters use not very good?

#2 - I haven't seen many if any mention of any ruger rifles in my reading. Is there a reason for that? Are they not a good starting point or a good rifle to build a long range shooter out of?

#3 - I've read on the site that the first thing to really do to improve accuracy is to take the gun to a gunsmith and have the following done: action bedded, trigger adjusted, recoil lugs lapped, barrel floated, and completely cleaned. How much should I expect to have each and all of these done at a quality gunsmith?

Also, my starting point will be with a Ruger Mk II 300 Win Mag stainless w/ a Bell & Carlson Camo Stock using a Leupold VX-3 6.5-20x40 LR Scope. Thanks for any and all help and suggestions!
drenner43. Welcome and good to have you here, Don't feel stupid all of us were at your knowledge level at some one here at LR was born knowing this stuff. Personaly I am still learning ALOT from many others here who have an unbelievable wealth of knowledge and experience far beyond mine.

Two that I'm familiar with. Nightforce makes some excellentcomponents. Bases-approx $90-120, rings-approx-$150 or direct mounts approx $230. Less expensive alternative but, I have had good results are with Leupold. They have just about every type imaginable so prices can vary quite a bit. As a suggestion you can goe to various manufacture website and look at what they have/price as well as feedback from other here. The Leupold VX-3 6.5-20x40 LR Scope you mentioned is an excellent choice.
First off I'm new to the site...just found it a few days ago and now can't stay off of it. I know little to nothing about a lot of the topics so forgive me if I end up asking any seemingly stupid questions. I've been reading different stuff here and there and have a few questions to start with.

#1 - I've been reading about needing good rings and bases. What are some good brands of rings and bases and what should a person expect to pay for them? What makes some of the rings and bases so much better than or why are standard leupold rings and bases most hunters use not very good?

If you are really looking for the best here are two. I have rings and bases from both and they are quality.

Nothing wrong with Leupold rings and bases used them for years. The type of mounting systems from the suppliers below will handle recoil a little better and the tolerances are much closer.

Near Manufacturing - Rifle Scope Bases

Seekins Precision :: Innovative Products for Precision Shooters
#3 - I've read on the site that the first thing to really do to improve accuracy is to take the gun to a gunsmith and have the following done: action bedded, trigger adjusted, recoil lugs lapped, barrel floated, and completely cleaned. How much should I expect to have each and all of these done at a quality gunsmith?

Also, my starting point will be with a Ruger Mk II 300 Win Mag stainless w/ a Bell & Carlson Camo Stock using a Leupold VX-3 6.5-20x40 LR Scope. Thanks for any and all help and suggestions![/QUOTE]

How does it (and you) shoot without any modifications? I think you have a good set up to start with. Every Ruger bolt rifle I have ever handled had a heavy pull to it, had a buddy's that came from the factory at 12 lbs. Replace it if it's not adjustable or if you just don't like it, some you can do yourself. Depending on your level of craftmanship skills, you could do all those mods yourself (except for maybe the lapping). Then I would send the scope to Leupold for at least some turrets, or if you don't like to dial get a TMR installed and learn to use it...or both. As far as the cleaning, I let my rifles dictate when they want to be cleaned but would probably start fresh in your position.
[/QUOTE]How does it (and you) shoot without any modifications? I think you have a good set up to start with. Every Ruger bolt rifle I have ever handled had a heavy pull to it, had a buddy's that came from the factory at 12 lbs. Replace it if it's not adjustable or if you just don't like it, some you can do yourself. Depending on your level of craftmanship skills, you could do all those mods yourself (except for maybe the lapping). Then I would send the scope to Leupold for at least some turrets, or if you don't like to dial get a TMR installed and learn to use it...or both. As far as the cleaning, I let my rifles dictate when they want to be cleaned but would probably start fresh in your position.[/QUOTE]

I think the gun shoots pretty well. I was out in Colorado on an Elk hunt in October and out shooting my rifle just to be sure everything was right before the hunt I was shooting out to 400 yards and I was consistently on paper at that range. I know thats no great group on here but I thought it was pretty good for a beginner with no experience at that range just shooting it for the first time guessing at the hold over. You are right about the trigger, I dont like it at all. Can a good gunsmith not help with the trigger without buying a new one? Or will I have to buy a new trigger if I really want it to be much better? What are some good triggers and how much should I expect to pay for them? As far as my craftsmanship skills, I would love to learn to do all of that work but as of now have no idea how to. I was looking through midway USA for some informational books/videos on gunsmithing, anybody have any suggestions on some good ones, or how I might learn to do all of the work mentioned above?

What is a TMR? Do you know how much Leupold charges to install target turrets?

Thanks for all the info and help so far guys, keep it coming.
If you are really looking for the best here are two. I have rings and bases from both and they are quality.

Nothing wrong with Leupold rings and bases used them for years. The type of mounting systems from the suppliers below will handle recoil a little better and the tolerances are much closer.

Near Manufacturing - Rifle Scope Bases

Seekins Precision :: Innovative Products for Precision Shooters

Do you know if these manufacturers make bases or rings for a Ruger since they have the odd scope mount system?
Do you know if these manufacturers make bases or rings for a Ruger since they have the odd scope mount system?

I would not call either Near or the Seekins mouting system "odd" in fact the Picattiny rail system is the system of choice for accurate long range rifles.

Even though my son shoots a Ruger I'm not that familure with it. I would suggest you contact Near or Seekins if interested in their products and talk with them directly.
Sorry for the confusion...I was not calling either of those systems odd...I was calling the ruger style of scope mounting odd as in that it does not use bases, only rings that clamp to it.
Welcome to the board. Im new here also and Its a great place to learn from. You have lots of questions just as I do....this is a great place to have them answered.

I have been building a 1000yd gun from a Rem Mod 700 SPS in 300WSM and so far its doing pretty good. I'll tell you now that you get what you pay for in this type of stuff so spend the money once and be happy instead of trying to get by cheap and ending up having to re-do it and spend more money.

I bought a Nightforce one piece base with 20MOA built in.....yes they are expensive, but its worth it.

I am using Burris Xtreme Heavy Tactical rings on this rifle and I just bought another set today for a different rifle. They are very good Rings and will cost about $60-$70 dollars and well worth it.

Good luck
Thanks for all the help and info guys. Keep it coming!

Anybody have any idea on the price to have that list of things I mentioned done? Can a trigger job actually be done on the ruger Mk II or will I have to buy a new trigger?


Can a trigger job actually be done on the ruger Mk II or will I have to buy a new trigger?


Welcome to LRH and enjoy!

Yes, it can be done. If you google it, there are successful DIY instructions if you are mechanically inclined and is willing to take the time. Gunsmiths can also tune it for you.

I have a Ruger M77 MKII in .338 WM and opted for aftermarket trigger and did it myself ... it took me <30 minutes. I used spec-tech trigger ...

standard triggers


If I do my part, here's how she shoots with factory ammo (Hornady 225gr SST) ...


Good luck and happy safe shooting/hunting!

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