My 6.5-270 WSM XP and 6.5-20 HUMR


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2003
Pueblo, CO
Finally figured out the pic. thing so i thought i'd post a couple pics of my Moliballistics 6.5-270 WSM XP/16" Shilen with the 6.5-20x MK4 and Darrell's HUMR reticle. 1st shot out of this rig at a game animal was a 435-yd. coyote @ 1.5 mil (coyote is laying dead at the 1.5 mil line in the pic).--



Gotta love that reticle!
Here's the dope system i use that's in the BC ocular cover quickly referenced without having to get out of position--


Additional dope for BC Blizzard objective cover (in this case reticle rangefinding for 11" back to brisket coyote)--

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For a little comparison, here is the ART. From the main crosshair going down vertically, you have 1.5 MOA on every line.
On the horizontal line and on the upper vertical is all in MILS.

Well Done!!!!

Once one shoots the reticle and understand the simplicity of our design, it shard to go back to anything else. It is so versatile and accurate, making quick long range shots in the field is a piece of cake.

Great photo of the reticle and dead coyote, the game comission should give a bounty on coyotes to help save the fawn crop. Years ago when I hunt in the Gillette area we shot several coyotes one morning and got $20.00 bucks apiece. Helped on thegas bill and paid for dinner that night.

Keep up the good work...

Darrell Holland
Thks. guys--i'm using the 140 A-max and getting 2750 out of a 16" barrel using the WSM case and H4831SC with GM 210's.
Well Done!!!!

Once one shoots the reticle and understand the simplicity of our design, it shard to go back to anything else. It is so versatile and accurate, making quick long range shots in the field is a piece of cake.

Great photo of the reticle and dead coyote, the game comission should give a bounty on coyotes to help save the fawn crop. Years ago when I hunt in the Gillette area we shot several coyotes one morning and got $20.00 bucks apiece. Helped on thegas bill and paid for dinner that night.

Keep up the good work...

Darrell Holland

Man, must've been nice. Thks. Darrell for the feedback--Grrreat reticle!!
Yes, they are nice photos. Ernie and Steve are great shots and do have a knack with the camera. No coyote is safe unless he's beyond 500 yds and the conditions are tough.. Both of these gentlemen enjoy the "Spot and Stalk" method of hunting coyotes. Its great practice for big game hunting as well...

I'm working on a stock design that will allow the user to mount a camera behind a rifle scope to HOPEFULLY take nice reticle photos???

Wish me luck,

Be safe,

Darrell Holland
6.5-284 XP & FFP ART Antelope

Although slightly off topic since I used MOA with a 6.5-20 FFP Leupold ART reticle.
Here is a uncommon doe antelope I shot at 420 yards in a 10mph full value wind using the ART reticle. I originally was going to shoot at 500 yards, but Steve was having a difficult time seeing the view screen of the camera (Glare).
Rear-grip McRee stock, Kelbly trigger, McGowen barrel, Holland Radial Brake and Leupold FFP 6.5-20 with ART. Using the reticle made it easy to handle the changing distances as the animals continued to move.
On a side note we learned it is difficult for the spotter to do his job and try to film at the same time:)
Used the Berger 140 VLD and it performed great. 1-shot and she was down quickly. Personally I was very pleased how I doped the wind. it was fairly constant and that sure made it easier.
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