New info on Chronic Wasting Disease

Nothing I have posted was false. Show me deer that have died from Cwd. You can't do it. No one can prove that this hasn't been here from the beginning of time. They are finding it because they are testing for it. If there wasn't millions of dollars up for grabs CWD would magically disappear.
How is there millions of dollars up for grabs? I don't think CPW is making a fortune by offering free testing and paying back processing fees.

You can't show me a deer that's ever died of EHD either. Could be anything that killed it. Might have drowned in that pond it was found in. Impossible to say. Maybe EHD is fake and deer just need to quite drowning.

I'm still not worried about eating venison I don't believe there is anything factual to this latest report. But to say it's "not real" defies logic. I'm still not sure how Covid keeps coming up in this thread but it's hilarious.
The one he walks right up to while it's feeding was hit by a car? That video was shot where mature bucks have a 20+% positivity rate.

I don't believe at least from what I have seen antler growth is affected as long as they aren't late stage during growing season. Just this last year I saw two really good bucks test positive but nobody can know if they just picked it up or if they were 6 months from dying.

EHD wouldn't be killing with snow on the ground so we can rule that out. TB in deer in CO is more or less non existent so then we have to think is there a better chance it's CWD when 1/5 bucks have it in that area or TB which I don't believe has been found in any deer in CO.
Have they even tested or looked for signs of TB ? M. bovis can survive in the environment for at least 5 months in cold, damp conditions. The bacteria survive less than 4 weeks in dry conditions with direct sunlight.
How is there millions of dollars up for grabs? I don't think CPW is making a fortune by offering free testing and paying back processing fees.

You can't show me a deer that's ever died of EHD either. Could be anything that killed it. Might have drowned in that pond it was found in. Impossible to say. Maybe EHD is fake and deer just need to quite drowning.

I'm still not worried about eating venison I don't believe there is anything factual to this latest report. But to say it's "not real" defies logic. I'm still not sure how Covid keeps coming up in this thread but it's hilarious.
Ehd has wipe entire areas clean of deer that can be proven. Cwd on the other hand not so much.
Nothing I have posted was false. Show me deer that have died from Cwd. You can't do it. No one can prove that this hasn't been here from the beginning of time. They are finding it because they are testing for it. If there wasn't millions of dollars up for grabs CWD would magically disappear.
They were dying in the pens where they first identified it. The fact that most of the positives come from deer that died of something else is one the weakest arguments from people that would prefer we ignored CWD. Huge numbers are emaciated deer near death have been euthanized and then tested positive. It is meaningful from a population management standpoint, but to act like it doesn't actually kill deer is wildly innacurate.

They're not just finding more because they're testing more. The percent of tests that result in positives has been steadily climbing for decades. It was previously unknown, and CSU's sheep pens were practically the epicenter from which it was spread. If it had been here as long as deer have been here it would not spread and increase in prevalence never decreasing. When it gets found in new areas, if it was due only to new or increased testing, it would be found at similar prevalence to areas that have had it for many decades, but that isn't the case. Instead it's found at much lower prevalence rates and does only one thing. Increase.
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How is there millions of dollars up for grabs? I don't think CPW is making a fortune by offering free testing and paying back processing fees.

You can't show me a deer that's ever died of EHD either. Could be anything that killed it. Might have drowned in that pond it was found in. Impossible to say. Maybe EHD is fake and deer just need to quite drowning.

I'm still not worried about eating venison I don't believe there is anything factual to this latest report. But to say it's "not real" defies logic. I'm still not sure how Covid keeps coming up in this thread but it's hilarious.
There's $420,000,000 available
This is North Dakota has done. They put up billboards and spent $93,000 to SHIFT THE BEHAVIOR TO LOWER THE RISK. it would be a shame if someone would find a cure for it. That would cost the game and fish agencies millions of dollars.


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They were dying in the pens where they first identified it. The fact that most of the positives come from deer that died of something else is one the weakest arguments from people that would prefer we ignored CWD. Huge numbers are emaciated deer near death have been euthanized and then tested positive. It is meaningful from a population management standpoint, but to act like it doesn't actually kill deer is wildly innacurate.

They're not just finding more because they're testing more. The percent of tests that result in positives has been steadily climbing for decades. It was previously unknown, and CSU's sheep pens were practically the epicenter from which it was spread. If it had been here as long as deer have been here it would not spread and increase in prevalence never decreasing. When it gets found in new areas, if it was due only to new or increased testing, it would be found at similar prevalence to areas that have had it for many decades, but that isn't the case. Instead it's found at much lower prevalence rates and does only one thing. Increase.
How do you not find more unless you're testing more.
They were dying in the pens where they first identified it. The fact that most of the positives come from deer that died of something else is one the weakest arguments from people that would prefer we ignored CWD. Huge numbers are emaciated deer near death have been euthanized and then tested positive. It is meaningful from a population management standpoint, but to act like it doesn't actually kill deer is wildly innacurate.

They're not just finding more because they're testing more. The percent of tests that result in positives has been steadily climbing for decades. It was previously unknown, and CSU's sheep pens were practically the epicenter from which it was spread. If it had been here as long as deer have been here it would not spread and increase in prevalence never decreasing. When it gets found in new areas, if it was due only to new or increased testing, it would be found at similar prevalence to areas that have had it for many decades, but that isn't the case. Instead it's found at much lower prevalence rates and does only one thing. Increase.
Where were the pens?
I have friends who have shot deer and elk with CWD. I act on the basis that it's real. Does it affect my desire to hunt? Heck no. I didn't bother having my last buck tested.
Many years ago, people told me not to worry about lyme disease. I've had many ticks over the years, but a brother and two friends contracted lyme and didn't catch it until it was in it's advanced stages. It's ugly.
Considering the pathogen vector is ticks, I wonder if those little nasties also transmit CWD.

A link to Dr. Kroll's article :

And a piece of unknown cloth or other materials worn by untrained individuals even with ZZ Top beards are just as effective as designed, approved respirators approved for specific respirable <10 micron air contaminants. Uh huh.
Once they required masks, I concluded the whole thing was BS. It's not, but masks are useful for those who are actually sick, useless for the ones thinking it will help protect them.
CWD Biden explanation:

Can't Wemember Diddly.
You got that all wrong. Biden:
In the summer following law school, I worked as a National Park Ranger in the Boundary Waters of Minnesota. There I single-handedly stopped three hunters from poaching a moose in the night. I wasn't scared of them. I just pumped my shotgun and shot it off to the side to let them know I meant business. They were scared of me and skedaddled.​

I wonder how much these GMO foods they plant play into this ?
For about eight years I have said they should study GMO foods and the whole dysphoria / trans movement to see if there's a link.
I have never put a link in here before so I hope it works
This is just a short snippet of Mark Purdey's stuff
The deer in the pens were caused by them being fed high concentrations of manganese to promote better antler growth.
To much oxidizer and not enough antioxidant in the diet.
Again look up Mark Purdey
That does not explain how it got out of the pens. But it did, and it has continued to increase in prevalence in the surrounding areas ever since. It has also shown up in high fence ranches in TX, and then adjacent properties, and then slowly expanding outward. That doesn't hold with a diet or soil type explanation.

Also, it seems to me, an untrained individual, that excess manganese or insufficient copper would not be transmissible, and might be treatable. Scrapie, and CWD are both transmissible via rather casual interaction between individuals of the respective species, as well as transmissible to other species in the lab via brain probes. The same holds for humans. CJD has unfortunately been accidentally transmitted from human to human in hospital settings.
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